[Guide] Windows Operation Tips Collection (Welcome to add in the comments section)

[Guide] Windows Operation Tips Collection (Welcome to add in the comments section)

Operation prompt: Due to the large amount of content in this article, you can press Ctrl F or long press to search for the desired content

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Basic Operations

Open File | Task Manager | Start Menu | Shortcuts | Email | Battery | Download Applications | Network
[Other Operations]

Permissions | Touchpad gestures | Multi screen interaction | Tiles | Multiple displays | Wake up device | Control panel | Shortcuts
Video Editing | Feedback | Tips for Use | Calendar&New Event | Alarm | Weather | Map | Timeline&Task View
Virtual Desktop | Projector | Malicious Software Removal
Computer Repair and Maintenance

Battery | Display | Keyboard | Mouse | Network | Missing Component Error | Hardware Fault | System Error Code

[Content from a collection of other computer usage tips on the internet]

Open File&Run Program&File Properties
Double click on the icon on the desktop, or press Win E to enter File Explorer
Double click the icon to open the middle content
Click to open the content on the left
Select the file in the file browsing interface, right-click, and select Properties. Set file properties here
Manage software permissions
In Windows 10 Settings>Privacy Management Permissions
In Windows 10 Settings>Apps, click on Allow installation of apps from any source or only allow installation of apps from the Microsoft Store
Using touchpad gestures
In Windows 10 Settings>Devices>Touchpad Adjustment Touchpad Gestures

Enter Task Manager
Win X>T>Enter
Right click on the taskbar and select Task Manager
Press Ctrl Alt Delete and click on Task Manager
Search online for code to disable Task Manager and follow the prompts
Show Start Menu
Ctrl Esc
Click on the Start menu in the bottom left corner

Change network settings in the control panel
Win X>W>Enter>Change adapter options>Click on any available adapter>Change the settings for this connection>Internet Protocol version 4>Manually change to automatic to manually connect to the local network

Using Windows 10 photos to complete video editing work
Download Windows 10 photos
Right click on the video file>Open as>Windows 10 Photos>(upper right corner) Edit>Video Editing
Repair network
Internet Explorer>Settings (Gear Icon)>Internet Options>Advanced>Check TLS 1.0 2.0 SSL
In Control Panel>Network>Adapter Options>Available Adapters>Change Settings for This Connection>Internet Protocol Version 4>Automatic * 2
Click on troubleshooting and network diagnosis
Download Tencent Computer Manager>Click on Toolbox>Network Repair
The method of accessing the internet without a browser
Enter the address bar in the File Explorer http://www.baidu.com Username administrator, password admin, click OK, it will prompt to download the browser and display the “Download” button or redirect to a location where the browser can be downloaded, etc
Press Win R>enter cmd and press Enter>ftp open www.baidu.com or telnet www.baidu.com
Download browser from Microsoft Store
Send website address via QQ or WeChat http://www.baidu.com Click on the website address
Press Win R, enter http://www.baidu.com And press Enter
Fix the color change phenomenon on the projector screen
Check if the clarity is the default value (usually 1024768 or 1320 * 768), projector menu>image>contrast 0. If it’s not set up like this
Check if the serial cable is intact (intact ones can filter out excess red light, green light, etc.)
Increase the brightness of the monitor
Open File Explorer
Press Win E
Press Win R>Enter Explorer
Open Command Prompt (Open MS-DOS Operating System)
Press Win R>enter cmd or command

Open on-screen keyboard
Press Win R to input osk
Right click on the taskbar>click on the on-screen keyboard
Quickly close window
ALt F4
Alt Space>C
Select the Windows dropdown menu option control

Select the Windows controls on the interface in sequence

Text editing shortcut keys
Ctrl C Copy
Ctrl V Paste
Ctrl Z undo
Ctrl A Select All
Ctrl F Find
Ctrl H Replace
Ctrl G Go to
Ctrl B Bold
Ctrl I Italic
Ctrl U underline
Ctrl S Save
Ctrl R Refresh
Ctrl Home cursor to the beginning of the entire text
Ctrl End Cursor to End of Full Text Line
Ctrl [font size decreases]
Ctrl] Font size increases
Ctrl – Zoom Small
Ctrl+Zoom in/out
Shift Home selects from the cursor to the beginning of the line
Shift End selects from the cursor to the end of the line
Home cursor to the beginning of a line
End Cursor to End of Line
PageUp Previous Page
PageDown Next page
Backspace Backspace
Enter OK/OK
Insert On/Off Replace Insert Mode from Cursor
Delete Delete objects such as files
F1 Help
F2 renaming
F5 refresh
F10 full screen
Enable multi screen interactive function in wireless network environment
DLNA devices support screen mirroring
You can send files and project images to nearby devices in “Android System>Dropdown menu>Multi screen Interaction”. The built-in multi screen interaction in systems below Android 5.0 only supports projecting sound and video to the TV through file management
Remote assistance and remote desktop software can enable remote operation of another device from one device
Windows 10 supports sharing the displayed interface with nearby devices, including Windows 10 computers, any brand of mobile phones, tablets, and network televisions
Connect to dual display&second screen | multiple displays
Select signal source>VGA input on the TV
Connect another monitor to the chassis
In Windows 10 Settings>Devices>Multiple Display Click on the button to detect and connect the second display
Using touchpad gestures to move content on the screen
Two point up and down sliding=Page scrolling | Enlarge or shrink images

Click and immediately long press drag=move the screen when viewing images

Set up a method to wake up the device after opening the laptop cover
Possible reasons for not being able to wake up the device

The software has disabled the battery, power button, keyboard, and mouse to wake up devices
The software has slowed down the system, causing a delay in the wake-up function
Magnetic field sensor aging, unable to sense opening and closing lids
How to solve it

In Control Panel>Device Manager, find various devices, right-click on these devices, click Properties, and set their respective properties here in sequence
In Tencent Computer Manager>Toolbox>Computer Clinic, enter “Wake up” and press Enter
Change battery settings
In Control Panel>Power>Battery>Change Power Plan
Windows 10: In the lower right corner of the taskbar, click the battery icon to select the most frequent endurance (power saving) or the best performance (playing games, working in awesome)
Turn off Windows 10 automatic updates&manually download Windows updates
Go to Start menu>Settings>Update>Turn off Windows 10 automatic update

In the Start menu>Settings>Update>Click Check for Updates, wait for a period of time, and it will display available updates or “You have installed the latest version”

Download applications from the Microsoft Store
Download Microsoft Store
Open the Microsoft Store and enter the name of the item you want to search for in the top search
Open the Microsoft Store, select a category in the tab above, and then click on the collection to open the software
Check compatibility and system requirements before clicking download
Feedback on Windows 10 issues or suggestions
Download Windows 10 Feedback Center
Click on “open”, click on “create feedback”, enter the content and select the category according to the prompts (do not choose the wrong one, please write according to the actual situation), click “confirm” or “send”.
Use “Tips and Techniques” to learn how to use Windows 10
Tips for downloading Windows 10
Click to start using techniques, select by category, click to view techniques

Create a new event in the calendar
Download Windows 10 Calendar
Open the calendar, click on the date, create a new task to be done, enter the name and time, and click OK.
Click on the date in the bottom right corner, or you can create a new practice
Here, you can display, create, and delete tasks for a specific date to avoid omissions in work, study, life, and more.

Remind yourself with an alarm clock and timer
Download Windows 10 alarms and clocks

Turn on the alarm and clock to set the alarm

Check the local or other weather conditions for today and the future
Download Windows 10 Weather

Click on the weather button to view detailed information about the weather

Create&Organize Start Menu Tiles
Open Windows 10 Start Menu

Click on the letters and # in the application list on the left to locate the first letter of the application name in languages such as Chinese and English

Drag the application to the blank area on the right or right-click on the application to fix it to the Start menu tile

Dragging magnets can group them together into one or more groups, and clicking on the top of this group of magnets can rename it

Enter Timeline&Task View&Virtual Desktop
Right click on the Windows 10 taskbar and click the Show Task View button
Click on the task view or press Win Tab
Enter task view
Drag the button on the right to browse past activities (clear history in Windows 10 Settings>Privacy>Activity History)
Click the plus sign above to create a new virtual desktop, and right-click on the virtual desktop to delete it
Click on the task view again or press Win Tab to exit the task view

Windows 10 Virtual Desktop
A desktop is equivalent to a Desktop Windows Manager. Multiple desktops share the same system and hardware, but can perform different activities separately, and different files can also be placed on the desktop.
Enter Task Manager
Press Ctrl Alt Delete and click on Task Manager
Right click on the taskbar and click on Task Manager
View hardware information in the performance tab, and manage application startup items in the startup tab

Enter email&email
Download Windows 10 Mail
Open Windows 10 Mail
After creating an account, you can use the email function

Startup failed
May I ask if these prompts appear on your computer?

[Windows did not start properly] Select normal start or safe mode, etc

[Windows crashes | There is some error with…] To check the hardware, you can call a professional who repairs the computer or the official customer service of the computer brand to inquire about how to solve the problem

Microsoft Collaboration Mico ↘】 Directly unplug the power or battery, or press and hold the power button to shut down the device

[Windows 8: Your computer needs maintenance] Select normal startup, enter the system desktop, and then use Start>Accessories/Management Tools>Memory Diagnosis or Disk Detection Tool to test it

The battery is low. For a laptop store, please plug in the power, charge the laptop battery to 5% -20% or more, and then press the power button to turn it on

There are also many tutorials and materials on Baidu for reference only. It is best to call or leave a message to inquire about professional or computer brand customer service, etc

Shortcut keys
Shortcut keys are functions used for keyboard operations. Use a key or key combination to achieve a certain function.
Early computers only supported keyboard operations. After the appearance of the mouse and large screen computer (15 inches), mastering shortcut keys proficiently makes operation faster.
Windows key
[Win] Start menu
[Win E] File Explorer
[Win R] Run
【 Win I 】 Settings (Personal, I)
[Win W] Ink workspace (write)
[Win P] Projector
[Win V] Cutting board history (pastel)
【 Win D 】 Show/Hide Desktop
【 Win X 】 System menu
【 Win T 】 Select the taskbar
【 Win B 】 Select the “Show Extension Icons” button

[Win S] Search

Text editing
[Ctrl C] Copy
[Ctrl V] Paste
【 Ctrl Z 】 Revoke
[Ctrl A] Select All
[Ctrl F] Find
[Ctrl G] Go to
[Ctrl P] Print
[Ctrl Tab] Set the second level content of this behavior
【 Ctrl Esc 】 Display start menu/task view
[Ctrl] The selected text font size decreases
[Ctrl] The selected text font size increases
【 Shift 】 In combination with other cursor keys, it can select some text or files
Backspace (removes one character to the left of the cursor)

[Delete] Delete a character to the right of the cursor/Delete the selected file or item

Windows controls
[Alt] Select the Windows dropdown menu
Alt Tab Switch Window
【 Tab 】 Select the Windows controls in the window in sequence
[Enter] Confirm/Select
[Space] Confirm/Select
[Esc] Exit full screen
[F11] Full screen

[Ctrl Shift Fn F10] Right click menu

Cursor movement
[Home] At the beginning of the line
[End] End of line
【 Insert 】 Turn on/off the insertion and replacement mode
【 PageUp 】 Previous Page
【 PageDown 】 Next page
[←] Shift left by one character
【 → 】 Move one character to the right
【 ↑】 Previous line
【 ↓ Next line 】
[Ctrl →] Move to the left of the next word after the space on the right

[Ctrl ←] Move to the left of the previous word after the left space

[F1] Help
[F2] After selecting a file in the file manager, rename it
【 F5 】 Refresh
【 F6 】 Address bar
Windows Malware Removal Tool
Start Windows malware removal software: Press Win R, enter mrt, and press Enter. Follow the prompts to operate

Computer repair and maintenance

Solutions to problems with computer batteries
Jingyan. baidu. com/article/647f01157452cc7f2148a8bc.com
Several common malfunctions of computer monitors
Www.sohu. com/a/130107620_428893

What are the common faults of LCD displays? Common faults and maintenance methods of LCD displays

What to do if the computer keyboard malfunctions? Three steps to solve the problem [picture and text]
Product.pconline.com. cn/itbk/software/dnyw/1707/9601614. HTML
What to do if the keyboard of laptops and desktops malfunctions

Common faults and solutions of computer mice
Baijiahao. baidu. com/s? Id=1609223300129942994&wfr=spider&for=pc

Complete collection of mouse malfunctions! Selected solutions are super detailed!

Download Tencent Computer Manager:

One click antivirus protection account theft garbage cleaning software management Tencent Computer Manager official website

Change adapter options to connect to local network ▼

Win X>W>Enter>Change adapter options>Click on any available adapter>Change the settings for this connection>Internet Protocol version 4>Manually change to automatic to manually connect to the local network

Missing component error
What to do if the program prompts missing DLL or OCX components? Register component method

Hardware malfunction
Teach you how to solve computer hardware equipment malfunctions

System error code
Complete List of Windows System Error Codes

The content comes from a collection of online techniques

Cabbage PE: After installing the original Win10 system, these three settings were not made? No wonder your computer is getting stuck the more you use it!

The information is sourced from the internet. If there are any errors or infringements, please contact me to delete them.


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