Windows Notes, which are always overlooked, are better than you think!

Windows Notes, which are always overlooked, are better than you think!

In the Windows 10 system, click the search button, enter a note or sticky notes to open Microsoft’s built-in application note. At first, Microsoft’s note application only digitized a piece of note paper. Now, it also supports formatting adjustments, adding media, and synchronization.

  1. Basic Operations
    After supporting synchronization, the note list becomes the main interface of the application. Click the plus sign to add a note; Drag, place anywhere, and the system will remember its position; Change the size of the note; Click on three points, which are settings, change the note color, or open the note list.

After you have enough notes, you can quickly search in the list. Click on Settings. In addition to regular settings, you can enable dark mode or have the mode follow the system, as well as manually synchronize. Pay attention to the “export note” here, as the data can be exported, which is very important for note taking applications.

  1. Quick actions
    Following Topbook’s consistent style, we will utilize commonly used shortcut keys to improve efficiency, including in notes. Notes follow conventional logic. We use Ctrl+N to create a new note, Ctrl+W to close the current note, and use Ctrl+Z, X, V to undo, cut, and paste; Use Ctrl+B, I, U to quickly bold, italicize, and underline the selected text.

There is also a Ctrl+H option to hide the menu, which some friends may be more concerned about.

  1. Device synchronization
    Microsoft Notes is a standalone application in the Windows 10 system, synchronized across multiple Windows 10 devices.

There are no independent applications on the mobile end, but they are embedded in three Microsoft applications. In Mobile OneNote (iOS), the entire bottom menu is provided, and in the new version of Mobile Office, it is called a note, which is directly displayed at the top of the homepage; You can also view and use it directly in the Microsoft desktop application exclusive to Android devices.

Another area that is currently easily overlooked is the web side The functions are similar.

Overall, Microsoft has provided a great service experience, but it seems like they will never be able to unify their names.


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