Windows 10这10项基础设置,加速你的PC运转

Windows 10这10项基础设置,加速你的PC运转

As a computer system enthusiast, Yixue’s most unbearable thing is that her PC speed cannot keep up with her brain speed!

No one can tolerate a slow computer, it greatly consumes our enthusiasm for work and doing things. Whether your PC continues to start or continue to freeze, do not use a slow PC. You can try doing a few things to speed up your computer.

The following operations are all based on the Win10 operating system~

  1. Task Manager will be your good friend

The Task Manager provides information about computer performance and displays detailed information about the programs and processes running on the computer. Task Manager can help you gain a deeper understanding of processor burden, memory usage, and the amount of network data used by the program.

By default, the list is divided into applications and background processes, which are constantly updating every minute and second. It is recommended to observe for a few minutes to find processes with high memory or CPU usage, select the process that you think will reduce performance, and click “End Task” to close.

The method to open the Task Manager is also particularly simple, and Yixue mainly knows the following three types:

Right click anywhere on the taskbar and select the “Task Manager” menu.

Press the shortcut keys “Ctrl+Shift+Esc” or “Ctrl+Alt+Del”.

Press the shortcut key “win+R” to open the “Run” panel, enter the “taskmgr” command, and you can also call up the Task Manager.

  1. Disable unnecessary startup and running programs

Press the shortcut key “Win+R” and enter “msconfig” to speed up your PC by disabling unnecessary system services. Running too many starts can also slow down the speed.

In the system configuration, disable service items that you do not need, and you can also enter the “Start” option of the Task Manager through the “Start” tab.

  1. Regularly perform disk cleaning

After using a PC for a long time, it will generate many useless junk files, which sometimes occupy our PC’s memory to a certain extent and slow down the running speed. What you need is regular disk cleaning.

Right click on the system drive C, select the “Properties” command, and select “Disk Cleanup”.

In the pop-up “Disk Cleanup” dialog box, you can check the files you need to clean in the scrolling list, or you can clean “System Files”.

Performing these operations usually requires restarting the system to take effect, so Yixue suggests performing a disk cleanup once a day when shutting down the computer.
Disk defragmentation can also speed up.

  1. Turn off antivirus scanning

Previously, when Yixue entered her computer, she often saw antivirus scanning programs located somewhere on the desktop. Antivirus software can slow down the system when it actively scans your computer for malware and viruses. From time to time, I will call on you to fix various system vulnerabilities, scan and clean various disks, but in fact, the more you fix, the more stuck you become. Of course, you can arrange for it to be scanned when not using the PC.

There are many types of antivirus software on the market, such as 360, Rising, Kingsoft, Computer Manager, etc. in China, and well-known software such as Norton, Kaspersky, Nod, and Big Spider abroad. It is worth mentioning that antivirus software usually only needs to be installed once, as installing too many can easily consume resources and lead to “falling in love and killing each other”.

In the past, Yixue’s computer had both 360 and Computer Manager installed, and these two products would occasionally “fight”, often causing conflicts and system abnormalities. I can feel the pain of “sour and refreshing” now.

  1. Uninstall applications you don’t use frequently

For some frequently unused applications that can also occupy system resources, you can enter the control panel to find the program for uninstallation, reducing the load on the PC.

The entrance to the control panel can be accessed not only from the start menu, but also by entering “control” in the “run” panel.

  1. Turn off automatic system updates

Turning off automatic system updates can greatly speed up and free up memory space.

Use the “Win+R” shortcut to access the Run panel, enter “services. msc”, and open the local service management.

Find the “Windows Update” option in the options, right-click the shortcut menu, and click “Stop” to turn off automatic system updates.

  1. Browser overload

We always get used to having more windows open when using browsers. In fact, each window and tab will occupy memory and processing power. It is best to close a window or application when you complete a certain operation, which is also convenient for work and viewing. And ensure that they are not running in the notification tray (next to the volume and Wi Fi indicator). When you close certain applications (such as Slack), they will continue to run in the background.

  1. Turn off the startup option

When there are too many startup projects, it can greatly slow down your PC’s running speed. We can set up to cancel some unnecessary startup projects to optimize the computer’s performance. The following are the operations for Win10 version:

Simply right-click on the “Start” menu and select the “Applications and Features” command or “Settings” to access the startup option. Close some programs that do not require startup.

If some system versions do not have this “start” option, you can enter the “start” section of the task manager to set it up.

  1. Utilize native Win10 features to quickly clear memory with just one click

No need to download any software, no need to enter the control panel or system settings, I don’t know how many people have used the native feature of Win10?

Search for “Storage” in the win search box and open “Storage Settings”.

Click “Free Space Now” in “Storage Settings”, and the system can quickly scan for useless files on the disk for cleaning. Is it convenient and fast?

  1. Add SSD

SSD (Solid State Drive) is faster than mechanical hard drives. We all know that mechanical hard drives have a read and write speed of 7200 rpm, but this is far from enough. One of the core problems with solid-state drives is to solve the problem of slow operation. When you install a solid-state drive, your PC’s speed is like suddenly running from a muddy path to a highway, running at full speed.

Optimizing software and systems can only be icing on the cake, enhancing hardware devices is the key to accelerating PC operation.

The above methods can accelerate the running speed of your PC to a certain extent, but the most important thing is still to look at the configuration of the PC itself. For example, if your computer only has 4GB of RAM and an outdated Pentium processor, and you want to play multiplayer games or open more applications and virtual machines, it will definitely be very slow.

For those who have high requirements for video and image processing, when choosing a PC, they should consider various factors such as running memory, graphics card, processor, etc. I think most professionals start with 8GB of memory and I5 processors, right? In short, with a computer configuration that suits your work needs and real-time system software optimization, your PC should operate at a normal level.

Do you have any other opinions on accelerating PC running speed? Welcome to build the message area.


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