Why am I making PowerPoint so slow?

Why am I making PowerPoint so slow?

It has to be said that this is a good question.

The PPTs commonly used in our work can be roughly divided into two types: demonstration PPTs and reading PPTs.

A demonstration type PPT, as the name suggests, is a PPT used in various demonstration occasions, including large-scale press conferences and daily reports.
Its value lies in cooperating with the speaker to tell a good story. Reading type PPT refers to PPT that does not need to be used in demonstration situations, including various consultation reports, data reports, reading notes, etc.
This type of PPT is usually sent directly to leaders or clients to read on their own, allowing the PPT to tell a good story, which often requires a higher level of logical content in the PPT. The issue we are discussing today belongs to the category of “reading oriented PPTs”. The playback environment for reading type PPTs is usually on personal computers, and smaller font sizes are often used in design and production, which increases the information density of the page and causes it to be “crowded”. So how to achieve clarity under the premise of being “crowded”? Let’s first borrow Ran Gaoming’s Xinhua Dictionary to look up what “clear” means? Clear: Clear, clear, and organized. Speaking human language means that the PPT page has proper logic, clear organization, and orderly structure. As you can see, these cases contain a lot of information, but visually they are very clear and organized.

This is because they all use the same layout method – “card layout”.

Let’s take a look at the layout framework of these pages. After reading these layout frameworks, you should have a preliminary impression of card layout.

The so-called card layout refers to using rectangular color blocks (cards) of the same or different sizes to separate pages for layout.
The size of a card depends on its capacity to carry information blocks.
Similar card layout can establish visual order for a large amount of information content on the page, and can be said to be the master key to solving the problem of being both crowded and clear.

Below, based on a practical case, we will introduce the steps of applying card layout in PPT. This is the introduction of Xiaomi company that I picked on Xiaomi’s official website. The content includes a total of 492 words and three pictures, which can be quite crowded in the PPT. Let’s take a look at how to use card layout to achieve clarity. Step 1: Read the entire text thoroughly and clarify the number of blocks. In the words of a high school Chinese teacher, “read the entire text, divide paragraphs, and summarize the central idea of each paragraph.” This PPT has already divided the paragraphs, and we only need to summarize the central idea of each paragraph.


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