What to do if the sound of the laptop speaker is too low

What to do if the sound of the laptop speaker is too low

The lower right corner of the desktop is the volume adjustment in the system tray area. Although this is the simplest, it is also the easiest to overlook. Therefore, when the sound is low, please check if the volume adjustment has been adjusted.

Secondly, adjust the volume of the player. This is often overlooked. If the sound of the media file is very low, please pay attention to the volume of the media player.

If the previous method cannot solve it, then we can check whether it can be solved from the advanced settings. First, open the Start menu and open the Control Panel.

Then select the sound option from the options in the control panel,

Select the speaker and click the properties button in the bottom right corner

In the speaker properties page settings, select volume, and you can first adjust all volumes to maximum,

Then, we click on the enhancement options again,

In this option, select the equalizer option, and then click the button in the sound effects properties below to set the three rightmost points.

Appear equalizer with some small sliders on the far right, adjust it appropriately

After completing all adjustments, please click the “OK” button on these settings pages to save all the settings we just made, and then exit.

If you still feel that this adjustment is not enough, then we can only start with the sound card driver, open the control panel, and select the sound card driver. If this option is not available, you can download the sound card driver yourself.

Open the sound card driver program, we can use it to maximize its volume potential, adjust it to the right end, and the sound will significantly increase


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