What is the difference between WPS and Office, which makes people prefer to spend money on MS Office instead of free WPS?

What is the difference between WPS and Office, which makes people prefer to spend money on MS Office instead of free WPS?

Author: A wisp of light smoke
Link: https://www.zhihu.com/question/267244386/answer/2954382281
Source: Zhihu
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Since I mentioned spending money, I will default to Office 365 here, because other versions can find ways to catch pirated serial numbers, while the WPS question owner said it’s free, so by default it’s WPS without membership. When comparing these two, the difference is not very obvious? WPS has two payment methods, regular member and super member. Regular member offers a continuous annual package of 79 yuan, while super member offers 179 yuan. I looked at the office on the digital lychee platform and found that the promotion price is 269 yuan for the personal version and 319 yuan for the home version. The home version supports up to 6 independent accounts for sharing, with a maximum of 5 devices for a single account to use simultaneously. Each account has 1TB of cloud storage space, so if I can find friends to share, the average price is less than 54 yuan per person. After comparison, I still choose Office 365. From a personal usage perspective, I use 365 more and WPS less. However, WPS claims it is free, but in reality, the free version only supports basic functions. Whenever there are more requirements, a membership fee is required to use it. Under the same payment situation, most functions are 365 first out and then updated by WPS after a period of time. Another thing that bothers me about WPS is that it automatically backs up all opened documents without the knowledge of many users. For those who have a lot of documents to hand over, they often unknowingly realize that their hard drive space is insufficient without saving anything. As for the WPS personal version, mandatory activation of rice husks and various advertisements for the free version are daily issues. Finally, in terms of cloud storage, both software have good cloud document functions when paid for, but in terms of functionality, I think Microsoft’s is more practical. One is the large space, with 1TB of space per account, and the other is good scalability (only for Apple users and less for personal Android devices). Although OneDrive cannot be opened for online management in China, software such as Documents, Nplayer, and Kybook 3 do not support domestic cloud storage, but support OneDrive. Therefore, by storing books and videos on OneDrive and linking them to software like Nplayer, it can be used as a personal library for books and videos. And there is no need to worry about membership restrictions on players, clarity, and other cloud storage software like Baidu Cloud.


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