UI is fantastic! New Microsoft Windows 10 Calendar Experience Notes

UI is fantastic! New Microsoft Windows 10 Calendar Experience Notes

Recently, Microsoft has started to push new Windows calendar components to Win10 preview users. Compared to the current version, the biggest change of the new version is the adoption of a completely new exterior design. Next, we will take you through it quickly.

  1. Trial preview version
    If you are using the Windows 10 v2004 preview version and have already upgraded to the latest version of “Mail and Calendar” through the App Store, you can find a newly added “Trial Preview” button in the upper right corner of the calendar panel. This is a toggle key, click once to enter the new version, and then click again to return to the current version. That is to say, you can choose the version you want to use according to your own preferences, and switch back anytime you don’t like it without any impact.

If there is this prompt in the upper right corner of your calendar, you can switch to the new version of the calendar

  1. Top month display
    Putting the two versions together can provide a clearer understanding of the differences in interface design between the old and new versions. Firstly, in the month of the year, the new version has added a top bar where all buttons are concentrated, making it more eye-catching and organized. The year and month are displayed in the center, so that we can see more clearly the time represented by the current calendar. In addition, this is also a common practice among other manufacturers, and such a design should be more likely to arouse good feelings!

Comparison of old and new layouts (top: new version, bottom: current version)

  1. Add a schedule panel
    The schedule panel is a newly added module in the monthly calendar, specifically designed to display the schedule of each day. Click the button in the bottom left corner to show or hide this module. For children’s shoes with a busy schedule every day, this change should be very attractive.

The newly added schedule bar supports hiding

  1. Built in 34 exterior themes
    The new calendar has 34 built-in appearance themes, which are much more diverse in style compared to the current version. The entire calendar adopts a full background design, combined with the background bar of the banner, which has a high aesthetic value. The built-in skin has rich colors and can meet the preferences of different users. In addition, there is a small detail here, which is that the new version will automatically fade the past time to present a different effect from the future time, which is also a very obvious difference between the two versions.

New version built-in skin

Compare the effects of the old version

  1. Dark mode
    The dark mode is a small button in the new version, which can be clicked when needed. Just like the current version, when we switch to dark mode, the background image also changes accordingly. This small detail has always been a commendable point in Windows Calendar, and the new version inherits it. However, the new version is currently unable to adapt to the color mode of Win10 and can only be manually switched for now.

Dark Mode

  1. Cancel weather and lunar display
    The most obvious change in the calendar panel is the cancellation of weather and lunar displays. These two items exist as backup calendars in the current version. I checked the settings and found that they have not been added yet. It is likely that the adaptation has not been completed, as they are also important functions.

The new version has cancelled the display of weather and lunar calendar

  1. Calendar width elastic display
    The calendar switch has been changed to menu mode, and the year view has been adjusted to the left monthly calendar area, which is also divided into four styles: “day”, “week”, “work week”, and “month”. The schedule column will vary in width based on the nature of the dates, for example, past dates will be narrower and future dates will be wider. However, the new version has cancelled the current version’s schedule search function and can only be manually searched by clicking, which is also a clear difference between the two versions.

The new version will automatically narrow the column width of past dates

  1. Monthly Calendar Panel
    The monthly calendar panel has added a year view, and clicking on the year will lead to a hierarchical jump. The function buttons have been moved to the side, which is more in line with the usage habits of ordinary users. The subscription calendar did not appear in the new version and is expected to be added later. In short, it is currently only a beta version, and the selection of features still depends on the official version.

Calendar panel changes
Moving Picture Cover
Annual Switching Demonstration (Moving Picture)

  1. Schedule addition
    The schedule has been adjusted, and the streamlined panel has added three new options: calendar, date, and duplicate items. The vast majority of operations can now be directly completed through the streamlined panel. The detailed panel is separated from the form and has added a schedule previewer, allowing us to arrange the time of attendees more reasonably. The display status is removed from the detailed panel. If modifications are needed later, you can enter the calendar area for adjustment.


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