There are many backend processes in Win10, how to optimize them?

There are many backend processes in Win10, how to optimize them?

On the detailed information page, you can view the detailed information of the process. Right click on the column in the header, check the number of threads, and break it down to five digits. A serious answer: Don’t point fingers at the aerospace institute and say that your rocket needs to burn coal or anthracite. Processes/threads automatically sleep when there are no work tasks, maintaining 0 CPU usage, which is already a feature of the hardware layer. Although dormant processes/threads still have memory usage, it is common sense to understand that unused memory is pure decoration, and any remaining amount is a waste. Of course, if there is not enough memory to perform large tasks, we need to find ways to reduce the consumption of resident memory, although I think it’s better to directly load 16GB to save time. Regarding optimization: “No one understands operating systems better than me.”. Don’t tinker around aimlessly.
Don’t touch any Windows services, focus your energy on how to handle user programs in the Task Manager launcher, and get rid of some malicious software. Clean up the bottom right corner of the taskbar. If you listen to various chaotic optimization tutorials, modify system services, or even reorganize strategies, then when encountering strange problems, vulnerabilities, viruses, or blue screens, do not curse Bug10. I really don’t like watching over 200 processes: search for “Safe Mode”, it definitely meets the requirements, and there are no messy services and processes. And both the mouse and keyboard can be used, the screen can be turned on at full resolution, the internet can be accessed, and the browser and office can be used, which is much better than the security mode in the XP and Windows 7 era. No “optimization” can be cleaner than this.

Linux and other systems use as much memory as possible (on the surface), and Win10 sometimes caches something in memory as a backup. It’s pointless to kill this part. The rest are either hardware services that consume resources when used, or simply hang them when not in use. Either it is the system’s own service, and there may be strange bugs when closing randomly. If you want to use it comfortably, don’t install software randomly. The rest is left to the system without any concern. Starting with 16GB of memory, it is difficult to fully utilize it even if you drive more than 32GB in daily life.


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