The usage methods and experience tips of Edge browser

The usage methods and experience tips of Edge browser

Do you want to know some tips and experiences for using Edge browser?
Please refer to the following text. At present, I have replaced my main browser from Firefox to Edge. This article will be continuously updated and improved based on my own usage experience, including downloads, common plugins, usage tips, and common questions

Download and Install
Edge is a built-in browser in Win10, so most people don’t need to download it. If you don’t have it installed on your computer, you can go to the following address to download it

Software editor: New Microsoft Edge download address and plugin recommendations
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Usage Tips

  1. Drag and drop search

Due to long-term use of Firefox, I have become accustomed to dragging and searching on web pages, but Edge native does not support arbitrary dragging and searching. Dragging to the top tab bar of the browser in Edge will open a new tab search. If you drag to the position of the “small lock” on the far left side of the search bar, it will search on the current page

Moving Picture Cover

  1. Website translation

This feature is the main reason why I switched to Edge. The automatic translation of web pages is still very convenient to use. You can turn on the translation function in Settings Language Options

  1. Start Enhancement

I feel like this feature is like booting up, which can effectively improve the Edge startup speed

  1. IE mode

That’s right, we can use IE mode to access some websites without using IE browser

  1. Make good use of the middle mouse button

The hyperlinks in the webpage can be opened directly in a new tab using the middle mouse button

Middle click on the tab to close it

Recommended plugins

  1. Adblock Plus – Free advertising interceptor

I won’t say much about this, I’ve been using it all along

Download address: Adblock Plus – Free Ad Blocker – Microsoft Edge Addons

  1. QR code generation and recognition

Supports generating QR codes for the current webpage address, with the strongest feature being the ability to recognize QR code images in the webpage. Right click on the image and select ‘recognize’ from the menu

Download address: Microsoft Edge Addons

  1. Tampermonkey

If you enjoy tinkering, this extension is essential

Download address: Tampermonkey – Microsoft Edge Addons

Frequently asked questions
There are currently no common issues

Compared to mainstream browsers
Edge Firefox Domestic Chrome
Localization is good, not available domestically
Rich expansion, available in Chrome to expand the store
Good safety, good
Good reliability, good
For most people, Edge is an excellent browser that offers almost all the features they want, and even features they don’t have can be extended and implemented. With mature stores based on Chrome, you can find almost anything you want

This article is original and cannot be reproduced

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