Master Windows 10 Task Manager

Master Windows 10 Task Manager

Need to master Windows 10 Task Manager?
Windows 10 Task Manager is a powerful tool that allows users to monitor and manage various aspects of system performance, processes, and applications. In this tutorial, we will explore the features and functions of Task Manager to help you master its functionality.

  1. Open Task Manager
    Ctrl+Shift+Esc: The fastest way to directly open the Task Manager.
    Ctrl+Alt+Delete: This combination of keys opens a menu where you can select “Task Manager”.
  2. Tabs Overview
    Processes: Display all running processes and applications, as well as their resource usage (CPU, memory, disk, network).
    Performance: Provides real-time charts and detailed information about CPU, memory, disk, and network usage.
    Application History: displays resource usage statistics for Windows Store applications.
    Startup: List the programs that start automatically when Windows starts.
    User: Display information about the logged in user and their resource usage.
    Details: Provide a more detailed view of the process and its properties.
  3. Monitoring system performance
    CPU: Check which processes use the most CPU. End the task of unresponsive applications or processes.
    Memory: Monitor memory usage to identify memory intensive applications. Close unnecessary programs to free up memory.
    Disk: Identify disk usage patterns and applications that cause frequent disk activity. If necessary, please consider optimizing disk usage or upgrading hardware.
    Network: Monitor network usage to identify bandwidth intensive applications or processes. This can help solve network performance issues.
  4. Management process
    End task: Right click on the process and select “End task” to terminate it. Be careful when ending system processes, as this may lead to instability.
    Restart: If the process is unresponsive or causing problems, restart the process.
    Open File Location: Quickly locate the files associated with the process.
    Properties: View detailed information about a process, including its file location, memory usage, etc.
  5. Start Management
    Disable startup programs: Identify and disable unnecessary programs that start at startup to improve system startup time and performance.
    Enable/disable items: Right click on the startup program and select “Enable” or “Disable” to control its startup behavior.
  6. Advanced features
    Resource Monitor: Access more detailed performance information and system resource usage through the Resource Monitor.
    Service: Manage system services, including starting, stopping, and configuring their startup types.
    By mastering Windows 10 Task Manager, you can better control the performance and resource utilization of your system. Regular monitoring of the Task Manager can help you identify and resolve performance issues, optimize system resources, and improve overall efficiency. Try various features and functionalities of Task Manager to customize according to your specific needs and workflow.


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