How to use these practical shortcut keys on Windows

How to use these practical shortcut keys on Windows

Today, I will share some hidden shortcut keys that can be permanently used by remembering them once on a computer, and some shortcut keys can be used universally on most software (such as editing software, office software, chat software, etc.).

As long as each shortcut operation completes a command faster than a mouse operation, even if it is only a second faster, this sharing and organization is worth it. A simple operation saves one second, ten thousand simple operations save ten thousand seconds, or it is possible that ten thousand different operations save at least one second each. The same operation has increased efficiency by ten thousand times. Accumulated over time is the best way to cherish the time of life.

  1. Win+E: Open “My Computer”.

Introduction: It is direct and fast, without the need for a mouse to search for my computer icon and double-click to open it. Moreover, when the desktop is covered by other software or documents, it can be opened without returning to the desktop.

Application scenario: Used in Windows systems

  1. Win+L: Quickly lock the screen.

Introduction: When you need to leave temporarily, you can instantly lock it to protect privacy and not worry about data leakage!

Application scenario: Used in Windows systems.

  1. Win+D: Quickly return to the desktop.

Introduction: All open task windows on the desktop can be instantly minimized, and then restored by pressing again. When working, you can use this shortcut key to quickly switch back and forth to the desktop.

Application scenario: Used in Windows systems.

  1. Win+Tab: 3D effect to quickly switch windows/tasks.

Introduction: This shortcut key is somewhat similar to alt+tab, which can make task switching faster and greatly improve work efficiency. Compared to alt+tab, win+tab can select the task to be performed faster by clicking on the task.

Application scenario: Used in Windows systems.

  1. Ctrl+Z: Return to the previous step; Or it’s called revocation, withdrawal.

Introduction: There is no regret medicine in life, but computer operation can bring regrets! Press once to return to the previous step, press twice to return to the previous second step, or even return to N multiple steps.

Application scenarios: It can be used in many applications (WeChat chat box, QQ chat box, web search, editing software, office software, various chat software, etc.).

  1. Ctrl+Y: Restore the previous operation; Or it is called revocation.

Introduction: It is exactly the same as the function of CTRL+Z. If you accidentally undo too much while pressing CTRL+Z, you can press Ctrl+Y to restore it.

Application scenarios: It can be used in many applications (WeChat chat box, QQ chat box, web search, editing software, office software, various chat software, etc.).

  1. Ctrl+A: Select all content at once.

Introduction: Also known as select all, it is very useful and can quickly select all content at once.

Application scenarios: It can be used in many applications (WeChat chat box, QQ chat box, web search, editing software, office software, various chat software, etc.).

  1. Ctrl+Space: Switch between Chinese and English.

Introduction: It is very practical for frequent switching between Chinese and English.

Application scenario: Used in Windows systems.

  1. Ctrl+mouse wheel: zoom in or out

Introduction: It is very practical when there is too much content in the document and the screen display is incomplete.

Application scenario: Suitable for use in both browsers and office software (Word \ Excel \ ppt).

  1. Ctrl+Home: Quickly move the cursor to the beginning.

Introduction: Quickly locate the cursor to the first position.

Application scenarios: It can be used in many applications (WeChat chat box, QQ chat box, web search, editing software, office software, various chat software, etc.).

  1. Ctrl+End: Quickly move the cursor to the end.

Introduction: Quickly locate the cursor to the end.

Application scenarios: It can be used in many applications (WeChat chat box, QQ chat box, web search, editing software, office software, various chat software, etc.).

  1. Shift+Delete: Permanently delete (a file).

Introduction: You can delete some content or documents that need to be permanently deleted. Please note that this operation does not go through the recycle bin and cannot be restored. Use with caution.

Application scenario: Used in Windows systems.

  1. Ctrl+W: Delete the current page.

Introduction: If the browser has multiple open interfaces, pressing Ctrl+W can quickly close the current interface. Press to turn off one at a time.

Application scenario: Used in various browsers.

  1. Ctrl+shift+T: Restore accidentally closed web pages.

Introduction: Corresponding to Ctrl+W, pressing Ctrl+shift+T can quickly restore accidentally closed web pages. Press to restore one at a time.

Application scenario: Used in various browsers.

  1. Win+R: Quick start. (Essential for program debugging)

Common commands:

Mstsc – Remote Desktop Connection

Regedit – Registry Editor

Devmgmt.msc – Device Manager

Compmgmt.msc – Computer Management

Mmc – Management Console

  1. Win+Tab (+Shift): Switch task view
    Very similar to the functionality of Alt+Tab, but it is a more advanced Windows application navigator. When you press it, you will see blocks of all open programs and the most commonly used programs.

You can scroll or jump between them by using the Win+Tab command and pressing the Shift key.

  1. Win+C: Open Cortana
    A fan of Microsoft Xiaona? Widely using Cortana? You can use the Win+C shortcut to simply summon her and then ask what you need to know.
  2. Win+Prtscn: Save screenshot
    Although Prtscn allows you to take screenshots, pressing the window button can automatically save the screenshot. There is a folder called screenshot in your image destination, which will store PNG files for screenshots. No need to add other screenshot tools!
  3. Win+I: Open Settings
    Do you need to quickly open the settings tab? Now, you don’t need to make any jumps to access the settings tab. Simply click Win+I to open the Windows settings menu.
  4. Win+S: Search for Windows
    You will always have files or applications that cannot be found on your PC. To this end, Windows introduced the search bar.


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