How to use all Windows shortcut keys

How to use all Windows shortcut keys

The standard computer keyboard has a total of 104 keys. Except for the 26 letter keys, symbol keys, and number keys, the other key functions are as follows:

Windows Shortcut List Main Keyboard Area:
Esc key: escape, exit key.
Tab key: Tabulator key, jump bar, adds four spaces in text editing software, can be used to switch the focus on the screen in Windows.
Ctrl key: control, control key.
Shift key: Upshift key.
Alt key: Shift key.
Caps Lock key: Caps Lock key, used to switch system capitalization lock.
Windows key: A key with a Windows window icon drawn on the keyboard. Press this key to open the start menu.
BackSpace key: Backspace key, used to delete the character in front of the current cursor; Backspace key to go back in Win Explorer; Opening and saving as interface means returning to the superior.
Enter key: Enter key, line feed, in Windows Explorer, it means to open a file (folder) or select a menu option; Execute commands in the Command [DOS Mode] table.
Space: If the active option is a radio or checkbox, select or clear the √ in the box

Windows shortcut key full function key area:
F1 Help
F2 renaming, BIOS shortcut keys for partial motherboard startup
F3 Find
F4 Address Bar
F5 refresh
F6 Switch (to Address Bar)
F9 motherboard boot
F7 and 8 customization
F10+Shift or Alt right-click menu
F11 full screen
F12 motherboard boot

Windows shortcut key system wide keyboard area:
PrintScreen key: Print the screen. After pressing this key, the system will automatically take a full screen screenshot and save it to the clipboard (without any prompts, you can use Ctrl+V to paste it to drawing, QQ, Word, etc., and the screenshot in BIOS can be viewed in Windows or other OS). When used in conjunction with the Alt key, it can capture the active window where the current focus is located.
ScrollLock key: The scrollbar lock key, combined with the ScrollLock indicator light, controls and displays the current scrollbar lock status. Among common software, only Excel supports this function and its usage frequency is extremely low.
Pause | Break key: Pause/Break key. When you need to view the motherboard self check information, you can press this button during the self check. After the self check is completed, it will not automatically enter the next startup process, but wait for the user’s operation. In VBS (button sprites, etc.) and VBA programming, scripts are paused.

Windows Shortcut Key Encyclopedia Edit Keyarea:
Insert key: Insert/rewrite key. Use this key to switch between the current text input state of insertion or rewriting. Word, Wordpad, Notepad, and other word processing and certain program compilers support this feature.
Delete key: Delete key, text editing can delete characters after the cursor instead of before, and file browsing can delete selected files. Some motherboards enter BIOS through this key.
Delete+Shift to delete the selected item. If it is a file, it will be directly deleted instead of being placed in the recycle bin
Home key: Start key, used to move the cursor to the beginning of a line. When browsing a webpage, you can return to the top of the webpage.
End key: End key, used to move the cursor to the end. When browsing a webpage, you can scroll the page to the bottom.
Page Up key: The page up key.
PageDown key: Page down key.

Windows shortcut full numeric keyboard area:
NumLock key: a numeric lock key that corresponds to the NumLock indicator light. Pressing this key can control the status of the NumLock indicator light. When the NumLock indicator light is on, the keypad area is used to input numbers; When the NumLock indicator light is off, the keypad area can be used instead of the editing keypad.

Windows Shortcut Key Guide 107 Key Keyboard Additional Keys:
WakeUp key: Wake up key
Sleep key: Sleep key
Power key: Power key

Windows Shortcut Key Encyclopedia Fn in Win
F1 displays help.
F2 renaming.
When F3 focuses on the desktop, open the “Find: All Files” dialog box (WIN10 is not applicable); Switch to the search bar in Win Explorer.
F4+Alt Close Window [When the focus is on the desktop, it is the shutdown interface, and when on the web page, it closes the current tab or browser].
F5 refresh.
F6 switch. Switch the focus to the address bar in the taskbar or active window. F6 or TAB key to switch between left and right pane, address bar, search bar, and
F10+Shift=Alt+F10 Application key activates the right-click menu for the current focus. (Right click shortcut menu appears with Shift+F10 in Word)
F11 full screen, Esc exit. Windows Explorer (also known as Win Explorer) is a window that hides the address bar and tree view; web pages hide search, favorites, plugins, sides, and status bars; the media playback interface is the same
F12 is saved as in Excel or Word documents; A web page is an open debugging environment (review elements).

Windows Shortcut Key Guide Up, Down, Left, Right arrow keys
Direction key: If the active option is an option button or file, it will move the focus;
The arrow key and Win key (abbreviated as Win key) make the window full screen, minimized, left half, and right half (not supported in some versions);
Direction key+Shift key to select consecutive text or files
Direction keys (left and right)+Ctrl key to jump between English or Chinese words
Direction keys (up and down)+Ctrl key to jump between the beginning of a paragraph

Windows Shortcut Key Complete Ctrl Key

Windows shortcut key comprehensive system class
Ctrl+Alt+Delete Open Security Options (Task Manager for XP and below, restart for DOS system)
Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open Task Manager (open Start menu in Win9x)
Ctrl+Shift+N Create a new folder (not applicable for Win XP)
Ctrl+Shift switches between Chinese and English input methods.
The function of Ctrl+Space is different, it switches between input method and non input method
Ctrl+Tab focus moves to the next item
Ctrl+Shift+Tab=Shift+Tab Move focus to the previous item
Switch to the address bar in Ctrl+F4 Win Explorer; Media playback stopped.

Windows Shortcut Key Encyclopedia Text Processing Class
Ctrl+a Select All
Ctrl+b Bold Black
Ctrl+c or insert copy Copy
Ctrl+d font format Decorate
Ctrl+e Center Align Encenter
Ctrl+f Find
Ctrl+g locate Get address
Replace Huan with Ctrl+h
Ctrl+i Italic
Align both ends with Ctrl+j Justify
Ctrl+k hyperlink King Link
Ctrl+l Left Align
Ctrl+m Indent Left M
Ctrl+n Create New or Ctrl+Shift+n
Ctrl+o Open Open
Ctrl+p Print
Ctrl+r Right Align
Ctrl+s Save
Ctrl+t Indent First Line=Tab
Ctrl+u underline
Ctrl+v=Shift+Insert Paste
Ctrl+w Close the current window, tab, work, file, or stop media playback Work
Ctrl+x Cut
Ctrl+y=Alt+Shift+Backspace repeat (undo)
Ctrl+z=Alt+Backspace undo

Ctrl+F4 Close the current file in the current application in Word.
Switch to the next text in the current application in Word using Ctrl+F6.
Alt+double-click hyperlink to execute matching command (or select option)
Ctrl+double-click hyperlink to open link
Press and hold in Micro Office software such as Shift Word to skip auto start macros

Windows shortcut key encyclopedia WIN key

Windows F1 Help provides Win shortcut keys
You can use the following shortcut keys for Microsoft natural keyboard or any other compatible keyboard that contains the Windows logo key.

Win key

Win key+up key to maximize window
Win key+left key to move the window to the right or
Win key+right key to move the window
Win key+down key to minimize window
Win key+F1 to display “Help”
Win+PrintScreen to take a screenshot of the current screen to the clipboard and save the screenshot image file to the “Pictures” folder. (WIN8/10)
Win key or Ctrl+Esc to open the start menu
Win key+Break to open the “System Properties” dialog box
Win key+Pause to display the “System Properties” dialog box
Win key+Tab loop to switch programs on the taskbar (win7, win8) (Windows XP not applicable)
Win key+Tab use Aero Flip 3D loop to switch between programs on the taskbar (win7) (Windows XP not applicable)
Win key+Tab+Ctrl, use Aero Flip 3D to cycle through programs on the taskbar using arrow keys (win7)
Win key+Space. If AERO effect is enabled, preview the desktop (win7) (in win10, this is a small interface for switching input methods)
Win key+Home to minimize all windows except the active window (win7) (Windows XP not applicable)

Numbers on the main keyboard area
Win key+number to start the program locked to the position indicated by the number in the taskbar. If the program is already running, switch to that program
Win key+Shift+number to start a new instance of the program locked to the position represented by the number in the taskbar
Win key+Alt+number to open the Jump List for the program that is locked to the taskbar

Win key+B, select the tray bar or taskbar Progress Bar in the lower right corner of the desktop
Win key+D display desktop desktop
Win key+E to open Windows Explorer (i.e. My Computer, Computer)
Win key+F to open the “Find: All Files” dialog box (in Win10, it opens the feedback center) (in Win Explorer, it switches to the search bar)
Win key+F+Ctrl search for computer (if connected to the network)
Win key+G loop switch mini tool (win7) (win10 opens Xbox menu) (Windows XP not applicable)
Win key+I to open “Settings” (win10)
Win key+L to lock the computer or switch users
Win key+M to minimize all windows
Win+Shift+M to restore the minimized window to the desktop
WIN key+P multi screen/projector option to select demonstration display mode. After the menu appears, press Win+P to select the option, and release Win to confirm. You can also press once and then select the enter key with the directional keys to confirm.
Win key+R to open the “Run” dialog box
The WIN key+T displays the taskbar thumbnail of the program currently being used in the taskbar, and press it again to switch to another thumbnail. (QWIN7)
Win key+U to open the assistive tool manager and easily access the center
Win key+X to open Windows Mobile Center (win7) (win10 wakes up the start button right-click menu) (Windows XP is not applicable)

Windows shortcut key overview Alt key

Alt+Space opens the menu in the top left corner of the active window
Alt+Space+N New Window
Alt+Tab Switch Current Program (Reverse Shift)
Alt+Esc Switch Current Program (Reverse Shift)
Alt+End switches the MSDOS window running under Windows between window and full screen states
Alt+Print Screen copies the current active program window to the clipboard as an image (adding shift to jump to the previous window)
Move backward to the previous view ALT+left arrow
Move Forward to Previous View ALT+Right Arrow

Windows shortcut key full shift key

Close the selected folder and all its parent folders
Hold down the Shift key and then click the “Close” button (only applicable to “My Computer”)

The Windows shortcut key system comes with a magnifying glass program

Windows shortcut key encyclopedia old version magnifying glass
Windows+PRINT SCREEN copies the screen to the clipboard (including mouse cursor)
Windows+SCROLL LOCK copies the screen to the clipboard (excluding mouse cursor)
Windows+PAGE UP switches to reverse color.
Windows+Page Down Switch Follow Mouse Cursor
Windows+up arrow to increase magnification
Windows+down arrow to reduce magnification

Windows Shortcut Key Complete Version Magnifier

The magnifying glass shortcut key provided by Windows
Win+evokes a magnifying glass; enlarge
Win Zoom Out
(Adjustable single button magnification in settings)

Windows Shortcut Complete Mini Keyboard

NUM LOCK+negative sign (-) collapses the selected folder
NUM LOCK+multiplication sign (*) expands all files and folders under the selected folder
NUM LOCK+plus sign (+) expands the selected folder

Windows shortcut key encyclopedia IE browser

Display the previous page (forward key) ALT+LIGHT ARROW
Display the next page (back key) ALT+Left Arrow
Switch between frames on the page (reverse shift) Ctrl+TAB
This key is used to open the address bar list in IE. To close the IE window, you can use the Alt+F4 combination key F4
Refresh F5
Force refresh Ctrl+F5
Can quickly locate the address bar F6 in Explorer and IE
Activate the menu bar F10 in the program
Can make the current Explorer or IE display full screen F11
Execute the corresponding command ALT on the menu+underlined letters on the menu
Close the current window in the multi document interface program by Ctrl+F4
Close the current window or exit the program ALT+F4
Add current page to favorites Ctrl+D
Display Help F1 for the selected dialog box item
Display the system menu ALT+spacebar for the current window
Show shortcut menu for selected items Shift+F10
Display Start menu Ctrl+ESC
Display system menu ALT+hyphen (-) for multi document interface programs
Switch to the window you used last time, hold down ALT and then repeatedly press TAB,
Switch to another window ALT+TAB
Open a page in the background with Ctrl+left mouse click
Open a page in a new window Shift+left mouse click

Windows shortcut key encyclopedia Windows Explorer

When inserting a CD, do not use the “auto play” function and hold down Shift to insert the CD ROM
Copy file, hold down Ctrl and drag file
Create a shortcut by holding down Ctrl+Shift to drag a file or holding down ALT to drag a file
Delete an item immediately without putting it in the recycle bin Shift+Delete
Display “Find: All Files” F3
Display the shortcut menu application key for the project
Refresh Window Content F5
Renaming Project F2
When renaming project F2, press the Tab key to rename the next file without pressing Enter+Down+F2
Select all items Ctrl+A
View project properties ALT+Enter or ALT+double-click

Windows shortcut key comprehensive auxiliary options

Shift the filter key switch to the right for eight seconds
Switch high contrast switch left ALT+left Shift+PRINT SCREEN
Switch mouse button switch left ALT+left Shift+NUM LOCK
Switch the toggle key switch NUM LOCK for five seconds
Shift key on the right for eight seconds to switch the “filter key” on and off.
Left ALT+Left Shift+PRINT SCREEN switches “high contrast” on and off.
Left ALT+Left Shift+NUM LOCK switches the mouse button on and off.
Shift key switches the sticky key on and off five times.
The Num Lock key switches the toggle key on and off for five seconds.
WIN+U opens the Accessibility Manager.

Windows Shortcut Key Encyclopedia Win10

Win key+letters
Win key+A: Activate the operation center
Win key+B: Focus on the tray area in the lower right corner
Win key+C: Activate Cortana through voice
Win key+D: Display desktop
Win key+E: Open the file manager
Win key+G: Open the Xbox game recording toolbar, allowing users to record game videos or take screenshots to activate the screenshot function
Win key+H: Activate the sharing function of Windows 10 applications
Win key+I: Open Windows 10 settings
Win key+K: Activate wireless display connection or audio device connection
Win key+L: Lock screen
Win key+P: Projection screen
Win key+R: Run
Win key+S: Search and activate Cortana (Microsoft Xiaona)
Win key+T: Quickly switch between taskbar programs
Win key+V: Open cloud clipboard
Win key+X: Open advanced user functions

Win key+non letter
Win+Break: Check configuration
Win key+Space: Quickly display desktop
Win+Tab: Activate Task View
Win key+semicolon: Call up Emoji emoji
Win key+1/2/3: Open a fixed program in the taskbar, where 1 represents the first application icon in the taskbar
Win key+left/right/up/down: Move the application window
Win key+Shift+left arrow: Move to the left screen.
Win key+Shift+Right arrow: Move to the right screen.
Win key+Shift+S: Windows comes with a screenshot
Win key+Ctrl+D: Create a new virtual desktop
Win key+Ctrl+F4: Close virtual desktop
Win+Ctrl+Left/Right: Switch virtual desktop

Ctrl key
Ctrl+Shift+N: Create a new folder.
Ctrl+shift+left click: Run as administrator.
Ctrl+Shift+Esc: Task Manager
Ctrl+Shift+Del: List of security options
Ctrl+W: Close the current window.
Ctrl+F: Go to the search box.

Alt key
Alt+D: Go to the address bar.
Alt+Left arrow: View the previous folder.
Alt+Right arrow: View the next folder.
Alt+Up: View the parent folder.

Shift key
Shift+right-click on directory: opens command line window options here.
Shift+right-click on file: send to menu.
Shift+click on the taskbar icon (already open) to open a new window

Dragging between directories in the same partition defaults to a cut operation. Press Ctrl+drag to perform a copy operation.
Drag between different partitions, default to copy operation, press Shift+drag to perform cut operation.
Alt+drag to create a shortcut.

Windows Shortcut Key Encyclopedia WinXP

Ctrl+Shift+any arrow keys to highlight a piece of text.
Shift+any arrow keys to select multiple items in the window or desktop, or select text in the document.
Select all content with Ctrl+A.
F3 Search for files or folders.
Alt+Enter to view the properties of the selected item.
Alt+F4 Close the current project or exit the current program.
Alt+spacebar opens a shortcut menu for the current window.
Ctrl+F4 closes the current document in a program that allows multiple documents to be opened simultaneously.
Alt+Tab switches between open projects.
Alt+Esc cycles through the order in which the project is opened.
F6 cycles through screen elements in the window or desktop.
The F9+FN keys are keyboard locked
F4 displays a list of addresses in both “My Computer” and “Windows Explorer”.
Shift+F10 displays the shortcut menu for the selected item.
Alt+Spacebar displays the “System” menu for the current window.
Ctrl+Esc displays the Start menu.
ALT+displays the corresponding menu with underlined letters in the menu name.
Execute the corresponding command with underlined letters in the command name displayed on the open menu.
F10 activates the menu bar in the current program.
The right arrow key opens the next menu on the right or opens a submenu.
The left arrow key opens the next menu on the left or closes the submenu.
F5 refreshes the current window.
BackSpace views the previous folder in “My Computer” or “Windows Explorer”.
Esc cancels the current task.
Press the Shift key to prevent the disc from automatically playing when inserting it into the CD-ROM drive.

Windows shortcut key comprehensive dialog box

Cancel current task ESC
If the current control is a button, click the button.
If the current control is a checkbox, you need to select or clear the checkbox
Or if the current control is an option button, click on the option spacebar
Click on the corresponding command ALT+underlined letters
Click the selected button Enter
Move Shift+TAB backward on options
Move Ctrl+Shift+TAB backward on the tab
Move TAB forward on options
Move Forward on Tabs Ctrl+TAB
If a folder is selected in the “Save As” or “Open” dialog box, the higher-level folder needs to be opened
Open “Save to” or “View” F4 in the “Save As” or “Open” dialog box
Refresh the Save As or Open dialog box F5

Windows Shortcut Complete Natural Keyboard

WIN displays or hides the Start menu.
WIN+BREAK displays the System Properties dialog box.
WIN+D displays the desktop.
WIN+M minimizes all windows.
WIN+Shift+M restores the minimized window.
WIN+E opens “My Computer”.
WIN+F opens the Windows feedback page, where F represents feedback.
Ctrl+WIN+F search for computers.
WIN+F1 displays Windows Help.
WIN+L locks your computer if connected to a network domain, or switches users if not connected to a network domain.
WIN+R opens the “Run” dialog box.
KEY displays the shortcut menu for the selected item.
WIN+U opens the “Tools Manager”.

Windows shortcut key comprehensive dialog box

Ctrl+Tab moves forward between tabs.
Move back between tabs using Ctrl+Shift+Tab.
Tab moves forward between options.
Shift+Tab moves backwards between options.
Execute the corresponding command or select the corresponding option using ALT+underlined letters.
Enter executes the command corresponding to the active option or button.
If the spacebar is a checkbox for the active option, select or clear the checkbox.
When the arrow key is a set of option buttons, please select a button.
F1 displays help.
F4 displays the items in the current list.

Windows shortcut key encyclopedia rare shortcut keys

We are all familiar with shortcut keys in Windows, but have you used these shortcut keys in your daily life? Compared to ordinary shortcut keys, their usage is somewhat unique: these keys cannot be pressed simultaneously, but require two or three consecutive steps of operation to achieve a function. However, using these shortcut keys is also more convenient than using a mouse.
Alt+Space → X Maximize Current Window
Alt+Space → N Minimize the current window
Tip: “Alt+Space → X” means to first press the “Alt+Space” combination key, then release the combination key, and then press the X key. The “→” symbol below indicates releasing the key pressed before the symbol, and then pressing the key after the symbol.
The following shortcut keys can be used on the desktop or folder window (note that they are folder windows rather than specific folders):
Right click → I → N Arrange icons by name
Right click ->I ->T Arrange icons by type (hehe, IT professionals should remember)
Right click ->I ->Z Arrange icons by size
Right click → I → D Arrange icons by date
Right click → W → F to create a new folder
Right click ->R If on the desktop, open “Display Properties”. If in a folder, open the properties of that folder
Right click ->E to refresh the current window, the effect is equivalent to F5
Tip: The “right click” here refers to the key between the Windows logo key and Ctrl located on the bottom right side of the main keyboard area.
If the current window is a specific file or folder:
Right click ->S Create a shortcut to the current file or directory
Right click ->R to view the current file or directory properties (equivalent to Alt+Enter)
Right click ->O to open the current file or directory (equivalent to entering)
Right click → T → A to send the current file or directory to the floppy disk
Note: Some software may add menus in the right-click menu, and the shortcut keys of these menus may conflict with the system shortcut keys. For example, WinRAR will add an “Add to” menu in the right-click menu of a file or folder, and the shortcut key S of this menu will conflict with the system right-click menu “Create Shortcut (S)”. If we want to remove these “foreign” right-click menus, we can open WinRAR, click “Options ->Settings” in the menu bar, open the “Settings” dialog box, click the “Select Associated Menu Item” button in the “Comprehensive” tab, and clear the checkbox in front of all options in the opened dialog box.
If the current window is Notepad:
Right click ->U undo operation, the effect is equivalent to Ctrl+Z
Right click ->P paste, the effect is equivalent to Ctrl+V
Right click ->A to select all text, the effect is equivalent to Ctrl+A
Using shortcut keys for “My Computer” and “Windows Explorer”
Purpose shortcut key
Close the selected folder and all its parents
Hold down the Shift key on the folder and then click the “Close” button (only applicable to “My Computer”)
Move backward to the previous view ALT+left arrow
Move Forward to Previous View ALT+Right Arrow
View the higher-level folder Backspace
In fact, these shortcut keys can be found in the right-click menu of relevant programs. Here, we have only selected a few practical ones to summarize, and you can also study them yourself. For example, if the current window is a file or folder, you can use “right-click → M” to rename the file or folder. Different programs have different shortcut keys. You can study and try them out yourself, and draw analogies.


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