How to set up replication of Windows user profiles

How to set up replication of Windows user profiles

Do you want to set up replication of Windows user profiles?
Before copying user profiles, there must be at least three users on the computer

User 1 (must have administrator privileges)

User 2 (the user whose profile has been copied)

User 3 (Target User)

Administrator users are responsible for copying user profiles in secure mode, and the folder options need to be configured as shown in the following figure

Hide files and folders and change them to display. If you don’t understand anything else, don’t make blind changes

Post completion rendering:

Observing the above rendering, you will generally find a hidden AppData folder and an NTUSER DAT

The AppData folder stores user configuration data

NTUSER DAT is the user’s registry file

Right click and select the file directly, copy it from user 2 to user 3, but there are a few warnings

  1. Windows 10 users cannot copy the following folders:

%Localappdata% \ Microsoft \ Windows Apps

%Localappdata% \ Packages

Note: Windows 8 and 8.1 have not been tested, Windows 7 can ignore this.

  1. All Windows system versions cannot copy this file:


As mentioned above, this is the user’s registry file. Copying it to other users can cause problems with their configuration files and prevent them from functioning properly

  1. Both users (the user whose profile has been copied and the target user) must be offline (Task Manager does not display login)

After copying is completed, log in normally


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