How to set up a remote desktop connection using Windows 10?

How to set up a remote desktop connection using Windows 10?

How to set up a remote desktop connection using Windows 10?
1、 Set up remote desktop computer accounts and passwords

Right click on My Computer – Manage – Computer Management – Local Users and Groups – Users – Select Users – Right click – Set Password (If Computer Management does not have local users and groups, open Control Panel – User Accounts – Change My Account Information in Computer Settings – Login Options – Password – Change).
2、 Open the remote desktop feature and add a remote desktop account

Right click on My Computer – Properties – Remote Desktop, enable remote desktop, select users who can remotely access this computer, and add a remote desktop user account
3、 Set up a firewall (or directly disable the firewall)

Open Control Panel – Windows Defender Firewall. Advanced Settings – Inbound Rules, click on the Local Port column – dropdown to find Port 3389- change both rows to enable
4、 Open the local computer combination key WIN+R, enter mstsc to open the remote desktop connection interface

You can connect by entering the remote computer IP address, username, and password


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