How to reinstall the system on a computer? (Suitable for beginners)

How to reinstall the system on a computer? (Suitable for beginners)

After using the computer for a long time, whether it is a normal system upgrade or a malfunction that prevents normal use, it is inevitable to reinstall the system.

Installing a system used to be a technical job, and many users had to ask for help to install the system when they encountered problems. Installing a system on a computer would cost around 30-50 yuan. But actually installing the system is not difficult, as long as you are familiar with the steps, you can quickly learn.

This article is a computer system installation tutorial for beginners. It combines graphics and text to provide a detailed introduction on how to reinstall the system, which can be easily completed at home.

Next, the evaluation brother will teach you hand in hand!

Tutorial on graphics and text
Process: Preparation – Create Startup Disk – Download Image – Enter PE Installation System

Preparation items

  1. USB flash drive (at least 8GB or more)
  2. USB flash drive system tool (authoritative recommendation: Micro PE toolbox)
  3. Microsoft Official Original System Files [ISO Format] (Authoritative Recommendation: MSDN)
  4. Back up important computer files and information in advance

Create a startup disk
Micro PE toolbox official website:

  1. Download and install the Micro PE Toolbox to a USB drive (this process will format the USB drive and clear the USB drive data)
  2. Installation method: Click on the recommended three partition method. The USB drive to be written is the one just inserted. Select 【 exFAT 】 as the format here.

Explanation: FAT32 type (single partition cannot exceed 32GB, single file cannot exceed 4GB) exFAT, NTFS type (old motherboard computers may not recognize USB drives)

  1. Wait for the installation to complete. (Approximately 2-3 minutes)

Put the system image into the boot disk
MSDN system image official website

  1. After entering the website, click on [Operating System] to select the system image you want to install, copy and paste the [ed2k] download code into Thunder for download.
  2. Put the downloaded ISO image file into the 【 Boot USB 】. (Prohibited from being placed in EFI drive)

Enter PE and install the system

  1. Restart the computer and set the USB drive to enter the PE system as the first startup option. (To enter the PE system, you first need to understand the shortcut keys for each motherboard to enter the BIOS interface.)

[Quick key to boot up and enter BIOS interface]

  1. Let me first talk about how old-fashioned motherboards enter the BIOS interface? (Taking Dell laptops as an example) Press and hold 【 F12 】 when turning on the computer.
  2. The BIOS of this old laptop does not have a graphical interface, so I suggest using Legacy as a guide. (Here, the editor explains that the boot partition method corresponding to startup must be correct, otherwise the computer cannot recognize the USB boot disk, resulting in the inability to enter the PE interface.)

The startup methods for boot up are divided into Legacy and UEFI boot, and can be selected according to the data storage structure shown in the figure below.

  1. Click to enter [Enter Set up] to enter advanced settings and set the USB flash drive as the first boot option. (Regardless of the boot method, Secure Boot # security mode must be turned off, otherwise the boot drive will not be recognized.)
  2. After setting the options for BIOS to enter the PE interface, press 【 F10 】 to save, and then press 【 ESC 】 to exit.

After entering the PE interface, we first need to partition the disk, open the [Partition Tool], and set common preferences for the computer disk C/D/E/F.

PS: The disk boot format here is the Mbr format corresponding to the data type Legacy explained by the editor above

If you can easily complete all the above steps, then you are only a short distance away from completing the installation of the system.

(1) Windows installation folder # Select the system image that was just downloaded from the USB drive.

(2) Boot Drive # (because the laptop is set to Legacy boot, the disk type is in Mbr format), select Save to [C] drive.

If it is UEFI booting, an additional logical partition (esp) of around 200-300Mb needs to be created for a disk. I will explain later.

(3) The location of the installation disk # is to install the system image on which disk of the computer? Generally, it defaults to the [C] drive (system drive).

If the partition format for UEFI booting is a Guid, a logical partition (Esp) of approximately 300M or less must be created next to the C drive, and then the booting driver must be saved to the local disk Z. Just change the steps from (2), as shown in the following figure.

  1. Remember to align 4k sectors or 2048 (usually default to these two options). PS: Remember to check the alignment sector, otherwise it may cause damage to the hard drive, reduce its lifespan, and in severe cases, may lead to data loss.
  2. Select the version of the system installation, click [Start Installation], and then you can enter the new system.

Then let’s talk about how to set up a boot USB drive for the new motherboard UEFI? The shortcut key for entering the BIOS interface is the same as the previous steps, long press the corresponding shortcut key. (PS: Because only a new motherboard has been replaced here)

Then press 【 F7 】 to enter advanced settings, and set the USB flash drive startup option # 1 to the front end. (PS: The BIOS system of a new motherboard usually defaults to UEFI boot and supports a graphical interface. It can also be changed from English to Chinese, which is very intuitive)

Finally, press [F10] to save and exit (at this point, you can unplug the USB drive and use the # foolproof design) to prevent restarting and entering the BIOS interface again. The method of installing the system image on the disk later is similar to the above, so I won’t go into too much detail.

I formatted and reinstalled the system directly from the C drive, so all data is preserved. As for how to activate the system and driver installation issues, I will publish a separate article for everyone to popularize science in the future.

Finally, I wish everyone a successful installation of the system. If this article is helpful to you, I hope everyone can share it with more friends who need it.


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