How to install the secret to Microsoft Photos program! (Attached installation guide program download)

How to install the secret to Microsoft Photos program! (Attached installation guide program download)

Recently, many friends have given me feedback that their Windows 10 system actually does not have a Microsoft photo program.

I think it’s a bit unbelievable, why? Because their computer is newly purchased!

You see, the system is the latest version of 22H2, and the installation date was just a few days ago. It looks very formal and there is no problem at all.

But I thought about it. This new computer and system, even if it’s not Windows 11, have already developed to 22H2. Anyway, it should also come with a Microsoft photo program!

This thing is basically for direct use, it comes with itself and doesn’t need to be installed, and there’s no need for special unboxing operations, right?

My friends will definitely not deceive me, but what explanation can be made for this current fact?

You see, there is no legendary “photo” in the opening method! Okay, you don’t have one, can I install one anyway?

Microsoft App Store is always full of things that don’t exist, okay, can’t we afford to provoke or hide? Why don’t we just use our hands!

Then try to manually install it according to the method I used to write in my previous article. Alright, it’s either missing one or the other. Anyway, it’s just that I can’t get you all kinds of installations, making you feel overwhelmed and almost foolish. You can see people with two heads and four legs in your eyes!

This is not bad!

Bring out that Italian… noodles for me, let me take a few bites, I’m starving!

After half a bowl of noodles, I had a clear idea in my heart. Considering that many friends are still in novice mode for manual installation, I made up my mind to re study and create a worry free and smooth installation guide program.

(The program has been packaged and downloaded at the end of the article)

After finishing the noodles and drinking the soup, the experiment begins. First, confirm the current version of the testing system.

Windows 10 Professional Edition, 22H219045.2251, I just installed it, it’s clear and straightforward!

Find the latest version of the Microsoft Photos application package from the rg adguard website.

As of January 9, 2024, the latest version is 2023.11110.29003.0.

After downloading, let’s start installing!

The manual installation command is as follows, which is very simple. Just add a space path after Add AppPackage, and then add the name of the application package!

Add AppPackage

This command requires us to open PowerShell with administrator privileges and enter it in the command window.

Speaking of which, if you still feel that this thing is a bit complicated and difficult to handle, it’s okay. At the end of the article, I have a self-made installation guide program, just click the mouse, no need to type any commands, life is short, why bother so hard.

Okay, let’s move on and install Microsoft first Windows The Photos application package, which was just downloaded earlier, has the following command.

Add AppPackage \Microsoft Windows Photos_2023.11110.29003.0_eutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Msixbundle

. \ refers to the meaning of the current folder!

What? There was an error. Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that there was a lack of framework or similar information.

Well, I’ve been searching for this framework program for a long time. Either the name is incorrect or the version is not suitable. Thinking about this thing is like guessing a girlfriend’s thoughts, it really burns the CPU!

The emperor lived up to those who had intentions, and finally found the right one. Let’s continue installing, but the result is missing a runtime.

Okay, I’ll admit it and look for this runtime.

Found it, get dressed!

Hey, what’s missing from Microsoft Services Store Engagement.

Come again! There are still a few VCLibs missing!

In short, to successfully install this Microsoft photo, it seems that many component programs need to be installed in advance, but it takes a lot of effort from me!

The final, final, installation no longer makes mistakes, and the whole world suddenly quiets down!

After installation, although there were no errors, I still couldn’t take it lightly or get complacent. I still need to verify it.

I randomly find an image file, right-click on it, and find the opening method (H) in the right-click menu.

Moving on to the next menu item, there should be a photo item.

Well, at least it should have been installed.

Open the program and the image is displayed normally. Is the version of this program the latest version we have installed?

Let’s verify it, ha!

Click on the icon in the upper left corner.

A series of prompt windows popped up, and after some random operations, a gear icon appeared. It should be the settings button, but I couldn’t find it just now. Click it.

Then scroll down to the bottom, and you can see in the area that the version is 2023.11110.29003.0. That’s right, it’s the latest version we installed, and we’re done!

If there is a network error when opening the photo program for the first time, such as the one below.

There’s no need to worry too much about this situation, it’s just a simple network problem.

Because the photo program needs to be connected to the internet at the initial startup, as long as the computer can connect normally, there will be no more errors.

Later on, I switched to several different versions of Windows 10, including 21H2, 22H2, and even LTSC, and most of them were successfully installed!

Even if the photo program is already installed in the current system, it can still be upgraded to the latest version normally.

Finally, attach the download link for the installation boot program.

Run the program, click “Yes” to start automatic installation!


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