How to frequently share files and information with colleagues on Windows? What are some good methods?

How to frequently share files and information with colleagues on Windows? What are some good methods?

If you want to access shared folders on different LANs, it is recommended to use the webdav service for file sharing, and then use the cpolar intranet penetration tool to map port 8090. The system will return the corresponding public TCP port address. With this public IP address, you can remotely access shared folders on your home/company intranet anytime, anywhere outside. PS: cpolar supports the HTTP/HTTPS/TCP protocol, does not require a public IP address or router, supports permanent free use, and does not restrict traffic. Some people may ask, why not directly map SMB service port 445? In fact, it is possible, but Windows clients cannot access SMB services that are not on port 445, while Linux, Mac, and iPad can. Therefore, it is recommended to directly set up webdav services for folder sharing, which is more convenient.

  1. Install the necessary WebDav components for IIS 1.1 Open the control panel, change the viewing method to “Category”, enter “Programs”, and “Enable or disable Windows features”
    1.2 Check “IIS Management Console”, “Windows Authentication”, “Management Services”, “WebDAV Publishing”, and “Directory Browsing” in Internet Information Services (IIS), and then confirm installation.
    After completing the installation, find “IIS Manager” in “Windows Management Tools” and open it.
    1.4 On the website, right-click to add a website
    1.5 Give a name to the network and select a physical path. Here, I will name it webdav and select the path D: \ WebDav. The port number is set to 8090
    1.6 Select the webdav site and enter its “WebDAV Creation Rules”
    1.7 Enable creative rules
    1.8 Adding Creation Rules
    1.9 Select the webdav site and enter “Identity Authentication”“
    1.10 Enable Windows authentication and disable anonymous authentication
    1.11 Select “webdav” and enter “directory browsing”
    1.12 Click ‘Enable’
    1.13 Restart webdav site
  2. In the browser for client testing, enter You can now access the file content in the WebDav service. 3. Use CPolar intranet penetration to expose the WebDav service to the public network. Enter the CPolar official website and register an account, then click to download the installation package. After decompression, the default installation can be completed. 3.1 Open the Web-UI management interface, open the browser at, and log in with the CPolar email account.

Create Tunnel Click on Tunnel Management on the left dashboard – Create Tunnel
B Tunnel Name: Customizable, please do not duplicate protocol: TCP Local Address: 8090 Port Type: Random Temporary TCP Port (Free User) Region: Default selection is sufficient

3.3 View the list of online tunnels. After successfully creating a tunnel, click on the status of the left dashboard – Online Tunnel List. We can see that the newly created tunnel has generated a TCP random tunnel and copied the public network address. [Note: “TCP://” does not need to be copied]

B3.4 Browser Access Test: In the browser, we paste the tunnel address. As it is accessed from an external network, it will prompt for account and password authentication. We use a Windows account and password to log in.

B4. Install the Raidrive client. Of course, when we officially use it, we usually use the WebDav client to set the local drive letter of the remote server virtual machine. Raidrive client: Connect to WebDav server
4.2 Successful Connection

At present, the testing is using links created through random TCP tunnels, which will change within 24 hours and are only used for testing. If long-term access is required, it is recommended to configure the use of a fixed TCP tunnel for access.


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