How to fix the mysterious disappearance of the taskbar icon in Win11?

How to fix the mysterious disappearance of the taskbar icon in Win11?

Win11 is about to release its 22H2 annual update, but to this day, it seems that Win11 still cannot stabilize. Recently, a friend gave me feedback on a strange issue – the icon in the taskbar of Win11 mysteriously disappeared, and the corresponding software could still be called out by clicking the mouse, but the icon was not visible. How can we solve this? Let me share with you some solutions.

In fact, users have mentioned similar issues in Microsoft’s feedback center before, and Microsoft has also provided solutions. Basically, this malfunction was caused by the IRIS service, which is a mysterious service with almost no official introduction or explanation about it. Someone analyzed that it is related to Microsoft ads, Windows Focus, and Teams chat that are included in the Windows system. If you don’t need these things, you can delete the IRIS service.

Open CMD in administrator mode, then enter the following command and run it. Note that after entering the command, the registry value of the IRIS service will be deleted, and the system will automatically restart. The specific commands are as follows:

Reg delete HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ IrisService/f&&shutdown – r – t 0

After pressing the enter key to run, the system will automatically restart. If there is no automatic restart, manual restart is sufficient. Afterwards, the problem should be resolved.

Overall, the issue of Win11 taskbar icons disappearing is relatively easy to solve. If you also encounter related errors, why not use the methods in this article to fix them.


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