How to enable Windows mini features through the registry

How to enable Windows mini features through the registry

This article lists 8 useful but niche Windows system features that can only be enabled through the registry or group policy (not available for home version users).

1/8 lifting file path length limit
Location: HKEY-LOCAL_Machine \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Policies

Key value: LongPathsEnable – DWORD -1

Purpose: To solve possible errors when copying files with deep paths.

2/8 lock screen hidden power option
Location: HKEY-LOCAL_Machine \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System

Key value: shutdownwithoutlogon – DWORD -0

Purpose: To prevent others from easily shutting down, which may result in the loss of your unsaved data. However, this move cannot prevent malicious individuals who simply press the power button to shut down.

Require pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete when unlocking on 3/8
Location: HKEY-LOCAL_Machine \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogin

Key value: DisableCad – DWORD -0

Usage: ① Increase safety; ② Prevent computer novices from seeing your username and profile picture, as well as entering passwords randomly; ③ Lock the screen to erase the keyboard (except for F7 key).

Display Verbose information on 4/8
Location: HKEY-LOCAL_Machine \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System

Key value: VerboseStatus – DWORD -1

Usage: ① Display detailed information on the login/logout/shutdown interface; ② Install B.

“Welcome” “Please wait for local session manager” “Please wait for User Profile Service” “Preparing Windows” “Stopping service” “Restarting”

5/8 UAC requires password input
Location: HKEY-LOCAL_Machine \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System

Key value: ConsintPromptBehaviorAdmin – DWORD-1

Usage: UAC authorization requires entering the administrator password to continue, rather than simply pressing “yes”. Suitable for users who value security, as well as those who have computer novices/bears around them.

Addendum: If not too troublesome, Windows even has a feature that requires pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete to continue when triggering UAC. I personally feel that this feature is very weak. First, you need to click “Yes”, then press the combination key, and finally type in the password. And it seems to have a bug. After enabling this feature, the wallpaper cannot be displayed on the UAC security desktop. After turning it off, the wallpaper can be displayed normally \Policies \ CredUI – Enabling SecureCredentialPromotion – DWORD -1
6/8 taskbar clock display in seconds
Location: HKEY-CURRENT-User \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced

Key value: ShowSecondsInSystemClock – DWORD-1

Usage: Suitable for people who like/have a need to read clocks and seconds.

Attention: Currently not applicable to Windows 11 (spicy chicken, huge hard!)

On 7/8, the system version number is displayed in the bottom right corner of the desktop
Location: HKEY-CURRENT-USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop

Key value: PaintDesktopVersion – DWORD-1

Usage: ① Eliminate the trouble of Win+R winver; ② Install B.

8/8 Release the startup delay of the bootable software
Location: HKEY-CURRENT-User \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Serialize

Key value: StartupDelayInMSec – DWORD -0

Usage: Relieve the several second delay intentionally set by the Windows system between system startup and software startup to reduce hardware burden, and improve startup efficiency.

Attention: It is recommended not to try computers with weak performance.

Addendum: By making good use of the “sleep” and “sleep” functions, there is no need to frequently experience software startup.


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