How to design a PPT template?

How to design a PPT template?

How to efficiently design a template from scratch? Based on his own experience, Master Buyi proposes the following eight detailed steps,
The first step is to create a new PPT and design a new template by modifying it from existing PPT works? Or create a new PPT? The young master’s suggestion is to create a new PPT. Why? The newly created PPT is refreshing and refreshing, with no redundant information except for the various preset placeholders. If modified from an old PPT, it will inevitably contain various information or embedded objects such as fonts from the original PPT. If it is someone else’s PPT, there may also be multiple Easter eggs that retain the original author’s information, which is difficult to prevent. Of course, if you already have a mature Thmx theme file that you have created, you can directly open the theme file, save it in PPTX format, and then modify it. This eliminates the need for master editing, theme font and color settings, making it very convenient. What is a Thmx theme file? Don’t worry yet, be patient and read on.
The second step is to clean up the redundant layout and placeholders in the master. When we create a new PPT, various software preset placeholders will appear. After entering the slide master through [View] ->[Slide Master] or holding down Shift and clicking on [Normal View], we will find that there are still a large number of layouts with preset placeholders in the master. These preset layouts can guide us on how to improve design efficiency through the use of masters and placeholders, but in reality, we need to redesign different layouts or add different placeholders according to our own design scenarios. Therefore, the original layout and placeholder presets in the PPT need to be deleted first. After deletion, a blank Office theme page and its first layout page are left, as shown in Figure 4.1.2-2. Afterwards, add new layouts according to the design progress
The first layout page in Figure 4.1.2-2 can be kept as a blank page, so it is recommended to check [Hide Background Graphics]. This way, when adding a title bar and page number to the Office theme page later, the page will not be affected and will remain blank. Step 3, Theme Font Setting Theme font is the default font setting when creating a new text box in the PPT. If it is pre-set, it can save us the need to select a font again. This is its first and most direct function – automatic font matching.
The theme font in Figures 4.1.2-3 is located at the top of the font selection box, as shown in Figures 4.1.2-3. It is the default font that matches the “title font” and “body font” of Western and Chinese in the PPT. If we want the PPT to match the font we want by default, we just need to set the font as the theme font. Among them, the default font in the input text box is “body font”, and “title font” is the default font added to the title text box when “title” is checked in the master layout, which we hardly use. Is this “title font” useless anymore? Not really, this is equivalent to adding a storage location for theme fonts and an additional option for us. Therefore, we can set a slightly thicker font for the title font, which is of the same type as the main text font. When we need bold font, we can manually select the title font again. For example, when we choose Alibaba Universal as the theme font, we can choose “Title Font” as “Alibaba Universal Bold” and “Body Font” as “Alibaba Universal Regular”, as shown in Figures 4.1.2-4.
▲ Figures 4.1.2-4. So, how to set the theme font? The path for setting the theme font is: [Design] → [Variations] → [Fonts] → [Custom Fonts]. The font can only be selected from the installed fonts on the computer. After setting, name and save it, as shown in Figure 4.1.2-5. Note that when creating a new PPT, you should first select the corresponding theme font scheme.
In addition, the theme font has two layers of functions as shown in Figures 4.1.2-5. In the PPT document, for fonts that come from the “theme font”, if you want to change the font, you only need to change the “theme font”, which can be considered as the second layer of the theme font, one click font change. The third function of the theme font is to automatically change the font. When we copy a text box from another PPT work, if the font of the text box is selected from the “theme font”, then when we copy it to a new PPT, it will automatically match the theme font in the new PPT. These three functions can bring us great efficiency improvement, so it is important to understand and master them, and when designing a PPT template, this step must also be absolutely not omitted. The fourth step is to set the text/background theme color and select the background style. The function of the theme color is similar to that of the theme font, which has been described in detail before (including steps four and five). Here is a brief introduction to how the Cloth Cloth Young Master sets and applies theme colors. The main purpose of this step is to set the text/background theme color, so that the text color entered in the text box is the color we want, usually not pure black, but dark gray, RGB (50,50,50-80,80,80). Moreover, set an optional light gray background instead of pure white, although pure white remains as an alternative. As shown in Figures 4.1.2-6, open the theme color setting interface through [Design] → [Variations] → [Colors] → [Custom Colors], set the color of “Dark 1” to dark gray, RGB (50,50,50-80,80,80), and “Light 2” to light gray. RGB is generally (248248248~250250250).
4.1.2-6 Next, select the background style through 【 Design 】 → 【 Variations 】 → 【 Background Style 】. When setting the background of the PPT to pure white (light color 1), select Style 1, and the color of the text will be dark color 1; When setting the PPT background to light gray, select Style 2; When setting the PPT background to dark gray, select Style 4, as shown in Figures 4.1.2-6. Step 5, Fill Theme Color Setting This step sets the fill theme color, which means setting the six colors of the fill theme color according to the color scheme of the PPT. It should be noted that the default color for creating new graphics is the color of color 1. Therefore, if you want to set the color to color 2- color 6, you need to include it in the theme color
When this step is completed in Figures 4.1.2-7, we can save the preset theme scheme as a THMX file, which is convenient for opening the design PPT directly in the future or importing it into the PPT to directly change the theme scheme. Let’s take a closer look at the THMX theme file. THMX is the theme file for PPT documents. The official definition of a theme is that it is a predefined set of colors, fonts, and visual effects suitable for slides to have a unified and professional appearance. It includes three main parts: theme font, theme colors, and master layout. In fact, many people may not have noticed that PPTs come with multiple themes, as shown in Figures 4.1.2-8.
When we import the THMX theme file in Figures 4.1.2-8, we will also import the layout from the master template. However, we often only need to import the theme color and font settings, and the layout is not necessary. Therefore, when creating the THMX file, we need to delete all the original layout.
How to create THMX theme files specifically in Figures 4.1.2-9? In fact, if we strictly follow the previous steps, we can now save it directly as a theme file. In order to have a clearer understanding of the skills of theme files, we will repeat it again: ① Enter the master. Press and hold down shift while clicking on the bottom right corner 【 Normal View 】 to enter the slide master. All theme file settings can be completed in the slide master Theme settings. Next, set the theme color and font according to the previous method and save them. The system will default to selecting the theme settings that were just saved Layout deletion. Delete redundant layouts from the slide master, keep only one blank page, and check ‘Hide Background Graphics’. Why? When we import the THMX theme file, we will also import the layout from the master template, and we often only need to import the theme color and font settings. Therefore, if the layout is not needed, it needs to be deleted! ④ Theme save. After completing the above operations, click [Save Current Theme], name it, and then save it. It is best to protect the font and color information of the file name, such as step six of “06 Purple Pink Gradient Siyuan Fonts. thmx” and the setting of the title bar and page number on the Office theme page. Next, the title bar and page number should be set in the slide master. So, should they be placed on the Office theme page or layout page? Due to the habit of setting image placeholders in advance for places with images, it is easy to quickly replace and crop images. Therefore, many layout pages may have repeated title blocks. Therefore, it is best to set the title block and page number to the Office theme page. As shown in Figures 4.1.2-10.

How to quickly insert page numbers in Figures 4.1.2-10? Enter the master page, select the corresponding position in the title bar, insert a text box or border first, and then, when the cursor flashes in the text box, click [Insert] ->[Slide Number]. At this time, the slide number displays a Ō #>. Exit the slide master page, which displays the page number. Next, add the corresponding text placeholders for the title bar. In the vast majority of cases, text placeholders are not required, but adding text placeholders at the corresponding text positions in the title bar is still very practical. It can avoid text jumping repeatedly and does not require repeated formatting of the text. It only needs to be set once on the text placeholder. The method to add a text placeholder is as follows: on the operation panel of Slide Master → Insert Placeholder → Text, and then adjust the format. The effect of adding text placeholders is shown in Figures 4.1.2-11.

Step 7 of Figure 4.1.2-11: Set the cross page alignment reference line for the Office theme page. After setting the title bar, the most important action is to set the cross page alignment reference line. Basically, every page of the PPT design needs to have a reference line for benchmarking. Therefore, we need to set the reference line in the master page and choose to set it on the Office theme page. The drawing of reference lines should be aligned with the text placeholders in the title bar, ensuring both single page boundary alignment and cross page alignment. The added reference lines on the Office theme page are shown by the orange dashed line in Figures 4.1.2-11. The eighth step is to create the cover, back cover, table of contents, and transition pages. The final step is to create each key page. Are these pages created in the slide master or on the current page? It depends on everyone’s habits. The Cloth Cloth Young Master is accustomed to putting all these pages in the master board, so it can avoid accidentally moving the objects of these key pages when creating the content of each page later. Therefore, many people often find that the content of these few pages cannot be changed when downloading the early online works of Puyi Gongzi. The reason is here, of course, after entering the slide master, it can be modified. Transition pages usually appear multiple times, so it is worth designing the repeated parts in the master, such as graphic frames, image placeholders, etc., as shown in Figures 4.1.2-12. If necessary, text placeholders can also be added. At the same time, Master Buyi also has a habit of adding a switching effect (cube) to the transition page in the master, so that after exiting the master, each corresponding transition page has the same switching effect.

|The most painful thing in the Baidu Index workplace is for you, who is not a professional. How to create a professional and good-looking work in a limited time? From the number of searches, many people, like you, are bald for PPTs! There are so many searches and downloads, but few people really understand the difference between PPT templates and themes. The PPT template, which we often refer to as a PPT template, is understood by most people as a set of PPT design documents that include cover and content, with most of the text occupying layout space and no actual content.

The PPT template template officially defined by Microsoft is a theme and some content used for specific purposes, such as sales presentations, business plans, or classroom courses. Therefore, templates have collaborative design elements (colors, fonts, backgrounds, effects) and sample content that you add to tell the story. Understanding the difference between – powerpoint – templates and themes – e2408e10-e015-43b3-8b29-b99d128ae448 is quite difficult to understand. So under the “Create and Save PowerPoint Template” section, there is another explanation: After creating a presentation and saving it as a PowerPoint template (. potx) file, you can share the template with colleagues and use it repeatedly. Create and save – powerpoint – template – ee4429ad-2a74-4100-82f7-50f8169c8aca. Now you should have a clear definition of some templates: files containing a theme and some content with a. potx suffix can be repeated using a simple formula: PPT template (. potx)=PPT theme+some PPT content pages. In fact, as long as the file is a. potx file, open it for editing, and then save it, you will find that the file will not overwrite itself, but will always be “saved as”. (You can try it yourself) So, we can also understand that as long as you change the extension of any. pptx file (PPT default format) to. potx, then this is a template. So, the PPT template defined by Microsoft is very broad. And if we want to better apply a set of rules and standards, please pay attention to another word “theme” in the Microsoft template definition. The PPT theme can be understood as the true “skin” of PPT, which is an effective resource for improving PPT efficiency and establishing standardization, helping document editors save time and form a unified standard.


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