How do you evaluate the built-in calculator in Windows 10?

How do you evaluate the built-in calculator in Windows 10?

Microsoft has chosen to open source the calculator function on GitHub to enhance the user experience of the calculator. The calculator has been following the Windows system for so long, but how many times have you used it? Do you know that the built-in calculator on Windows is already very powerful? It can be said that it is not just a computing tool.

The Windows calculator is also divided into two parts: “calculator” and “converter”. “calculator” includes standard calculator, scientific calculator, programmer calculator, and date calculator; The converter has currency conversion as well as unit conversion for volume, length, weight, etc. “Calculator” section

Standard calculators are generally suitable for performing simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Scientific calculators can calculate simple trigonometric functions, power exponents, logarithms, etc. Programmer calculators are designed for base conversion and can easily convert between hexadecimal, decimal, octal, and binary< Img s
I think the date calculator is the most practical, which can calculate the interval time between two dates, as well as the date after adding or subtracting days from a certain date. When encountering important dates such as birthdays and anniversaries, you no longer have to count the remaining days on your fingers.

When you want to convert currency, do you first think of entering “how much RMB is 100 Hong Kong dollars equivalent to” in Baidu search? The occasional small feature now comes with a built-in calculator that can also help you complete it, and it can also update exchange rates in real-time. But if you are ready to go to the bank for exchange, it is recommended to check the exchange rate on the bank’s official website for more stability.
Other unit conversions such as volume, length, weight, temperature, energy, etc. are also very comprehensive. Taking volume conversion as an example, you can convert between units such as milliliters, liters, pints, quarts, gallons, etc. You can also convert “1 tablespoon (US)” to “14.78677 milliliters,” and even know that “1 teaspoon” in US is equal to “0.832674 teaspoon” in English. Next time I look at the recipe, I don’t have to worry about how much 1 teaspoon of salt is
It would be better to add something more substantial. Firstly, regarding the question of why calculators remember the last operator and operand, other respondents have already explained it very clearly, so I will not elaborate on it here.
What I want to say is that one thing to note is that on older models of scientific calculators, except for using the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operators, which require pressing the equal sign to produce results, all other operations are performed directly after pressing the button. That is to say, in the example you mentioned in your question, after pressing the square calculation key, there is no need to press the equal sign again because the square calculation result you need has already appeared. Pressing the equal sign again is actually adding insult to injury. In addition, Microsoft’s design of calculators can be said to be careless. For a simple example, the questioner can try entering “5+8 * 8=” in both the standard and scientific modes of the Windows calculator. You will find that the answer calculated by the standard mode is 104, while the answer calculated by the scientific mode is 69. This is because most calculators calculate according to the order of your keys, while scientific calculators produced in the middle and later stages follow the calculation principle of multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. This is completely consistent with the situation in reality.


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