How can PPT get started quickly?

How can PPT get started quickly?

One is to learn the correct posture for PPT. Two is to teach you how to improve your aesthetic level of PPT. Three is to explain the basic operations. After reading this answer, you can follow along and do it with your hands

Chapter 1: The Correct Posture for Learning PPT: Eye Movement without Hands. What do you call learning PPT? Put away this set of PPT learning methods for Bai Shi Bai Ling! Do you call it learning PPT when you only focus on your eyes and don’t do anything? After teaching PPT for so many years, I have come into contact with thousands of students and discovered a very cruel fact… that 90% of people learn PPT in the wrong way! And this data is still a conservative estimate. Before discussing the specific learning steps, let me put it here: PPT is a highly practical skill, and the prerequisite for learning PPT well is to keep up with a lot of practice, without any room for negotiation or learning shortcuts! That is to say, no matter how many books and lessons you read, or how good a teacher you find, as long as you don’t keep up with a lot of practice, then all the classes and books you read, and all the beatings you’ve received from the teachers, are complete! Everyone! White! Blind! The reason is as follows: Firstly, PowerPoint is a tool that requires repeated use to become familiar with. If you can’t even use scissors, how can you cut beautiful Paper Cuttings? PowerPoint is the same software, with hundreds of commonly used menus and buttons. If you don’t use it frequently, how can you remember the position of the menu?
Secondly, the best PPT work you have seen and imitated is the highest level you can produce. Only by doing a lot of practice can you maximize the design limit or aesthetic level as much as possible. There is a famous saying in the design industry that also confirms this point: aesthetics determine the upper limit of your design, and technology determines the lower limit of your design.

Put away this set of PPT learning methods for Bai Shi Bai Ling! The learning of PPT can be divided into three main stages: familiarizing oneself with basic operations, accumulating formatting, and learning design theory. The effectiveness of my learning method has been verified by countless people, not only students who have joined the PPT community, but also the method I used to teach my younger brother. He went from scratch to being able to independently take orders and make money in just three months! Stage 1: Familiarize yourself with the basic operations of PPT. The so-called familiarization with basic operations refers to familiarizing you with the basic functions in PPT, with the ultimate goal of knowing what incredible design effects PPT can achieve. After familiarizing yourself with all the basic operations, you will find that you can tell how a certain page of PPT was created and what techniques were used:
Merge shapes+smooth switching techniques
Merge shapes, edit vertices, and smooth switching techniques
Data charts+3D rotation techniques
There are generally two ways to learn the basic operations of PPT for text conversion skills. One is to understand each button in the PPT one by one, but this method is very boring and ineffective. The only benefit is that it can treat insomnia, and you can fall asleep after learning it for a while. Therefore, I recommend the second method: follow the tutorial suitable for beginners to practice. The third chapter of this answer covers most of the basic operating skills in the PPT. Just follow the third chapter of this article to practice. In addition, my official account [Learn a P from me] has a special column “100 PowerPoint Skills” designed for Xiaobai. Follow my official account [Learn a P from me], and I have prepared a tutorial for you. You just need to follow the tutorial step by step.
When your practice volume is large enough, you will find that you can already achieve the goal of knowing how to make a PPT when you see a page of PPT. At this point, you are considered to have completed the first stage of learning. Stage II. Imitate the PPT to accumulate the format. I believe that many people often encounter a situation in their daily work, that is, every time they just get the original PPT material, their brain is basically blank. I don’t know where to start typesetting:

How to layout? My suggestion is very simple. Go to some PPT template networks, find more than 20 beautiful PPT templates, and imitate them exactly. In the process of imitating these PPTs, you will find that there are only a few common layouts in the design of PPTs. When you imitate enough, you can gradually accumulate a “layout library” in your mind.
When you receive the original PPT materials in the future, you will instinctively come up with a suitable layout in your mind and directly put the materials inside. In this process, you even save time thinking about how to layout, because the originally complex layout has now become a simple template game for you.

Typography is like a practice of imitating layout for you. You can continue to do it until one day you receive a raw PPT and know how to layout it. You are considered to have completed this stage of learning. Stage 3: Learning Design Theory (if not necessary, you may not need to learn it). If you only want to solve PPT related problems in your work, then you only need to complete the above two steps of “Familiarizing with Basic Operations” and “Imitating PPT”. However, if you ultimately want to make money through PPT, then you have to take the step of “learning design theory”. Otherwise, one day when a client asks you “why use Chinese amber” and you can only answer “because this font has better feng shui”, you will regret not reading more books back then… So now the question is: how should non design professionals systematically learn design knowledge? Unfortunately, there is no simple solution to this problem, and one can only learn design theory through systematic learning, such as reading a large number of design books. Firstly, PPT design can be divided into three major sections: layout, color matching, and font. You can look for several books based on these three themes, and I have been trying this learning method of finding book lists according to the themes since my college years. It has transformed me from a tourism major student to a half design student. Here I am attaching a list of design books that are quite classic in the design circle and can also be understood by beginners. Layout theme: “Design Book for Everyone”, “Introduction to Design Classroom”, “Principles of Layout Design”, “Principles of Layout Design”, “Rules of Graphic Design” Color matching theme: “Principles of Color Matching Design” Font theme: “Principles of Text Design” Other themes: “Confession of an Advertiser”, “Designers need to understand psychology”, “Pyramid Principle” Overall, any technology has a threshold, and only by investing corresponding energy and time, and even adding a bit of talent, can you cross this threshold. After crossing this threshold, you will suddenly realize that the hair loss and suffering in front are worth it! Especially the PPT! Chapter 2: How to improve the aesthetic level of PPT and see more excellent works; Imitate excellent works more often; Study the design rules behind the work. I once asked a PPT novice to give a proposition: “To what extent is a PPT impressive?” He replied to me: “If a PPT looks good, it’s impressive!”!


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