Defender UI: Make Microsoft antivirus Windows Defender 100 times more user-friendly

Defender UI: Make Microsoft antivirus Windows Defender 100 times more user-friendly

For the security of the Windows system, Microsoft has developed the free antivirus software Windows Defender. However, many users want to close it the first time they install the system. The main reason is that it often automatically scans files, which takes up a lot of hard disk/CPU hardware resources and slows down your system speed. Previously, Microsoft also stated that it would update and optimize performance to reduce hardware usage.
However, the biggest headache for users is that Windows Defender is more likely to kill errors and not let them go. Many software that you understand will be directly deleted. If you want to set exclusion files or security levels, it’s really not user-friendly at all, so some experts have developed a Defender UI settings tool that allows you to easily set security levels and some hidden features.

Defender UI Introduction
This Defender UI supports Windows 10/11 systems and is equipped with multiple languages, including Chinese. After installation, the first step is to run an initial settings interface and manually select the Chinese language at the top.
You can see that there are four security profile modes available here, which are recommended (unlocking hidden functions and providing enhanced protection), interactive (recommended for more advanced users), aggressive (the most secure mode), and default (factory default value).
Basic Settings: After selecting the mode, you can enter the basic settings to manually turn off and enable more protection functions, including controlled folder access, network protection, behavior monitoring, and PUA protection. At the same time, you can set the blocking behavior when discovering harmful files.
Advanced: Advanced settings allow for scanning emails, downloading files, scripts, compressed files, portable hard drives, network files, calculating file hip-hop count, lowering CPU priority, and more. Sometimes downloading large files often gets stuck, it is recommended to turn off the file scanning function for downloading.
ASR rules: It is possible to block the behavior of some software based on some built-in rules, but unfortunately, it does not currently support custom import rules, otherwise it will be more powerful.
DefenderGuard: Here, you can quickly turn on and off real-time protection, cloud protection, firewall, and set the time to stop protection. In the task status bar, there is also an icon for the Defender UI. You can right-click to quickly turn on or off the antivirus function. If you don’t need to frequently set related functions, it is recommended to cancel the Defender UI startup.

By tuning the Defender UI, Windows Defender can be made more user-friendly, such as reducing false alarms and hardware resource usage. Users can choose different configuration modes based on their security requirements, which is really convenient


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