A tutorial on the most commonly used skills in Word, and a complete collection of quick cultivation secrets for experts

A tutorial on the most commonly used skills in Word, and a complete collection of quick cultivation secrets for experts

There is no universal thing in the world, and PPT cannot replace Word and Excel in certain fields. Therefore, today the author will share all the skills he knows about Word with everyone.

Regarding the skills of Word, Lao Wang can be divided into four categories. Let’s first take a look at the first category.

Everyone knows how to use Word, and the most obvious difference between a master and a novice is efficiency. Some people can easily complete several Word tasks in an hour with ease, while others work overtime until late at night with sore hands and neck pain and still haven’t finished one. No matter what office software they use, efficiency is always their top priority.

Section 1: Improving Efficiency

  1. How to quickly select text
    Mouse over the left margin of the page

Click to select the entire line of text at the location of the mouse click

Double click to select the entire paragraph of text

Three clicks can select text from the entire document (although selecting all is usually done using the shortcut Ctrl+A)

Hold down the Ctrl key and then click on the text to select multiple discontinuous texts. (For example, when selecting multiple discontinuous text to bold or change colors in a paragraph)

Holding down the Alt key and then clicking on the text allows you to select text within a rectangular area without being limited by rows. (For example, hidden head poems)

Hold down the Shift key and select another position to select all the text between the starting cursor position and the subsequent cursor position. (For example, when changing the font or color of a section of content)

The Shift function can actually be achieved by dragging the left mouse button, but many experts use Word without a mouse at all, so Shift is still very commonly used.

  1. More convenient use of format brushes
    Lao Wang likes to use shortcut keys the most, which is easy to remember. We all know that Ctrl+C is for copying, and Ctrl+V is for pasting. So the format brush is actually copying formats. The shortcut key adds Shift on top of regular copy and paste, which means Ctrl+Shift+C, copy formats, Ctrl+Shift+V, paste formats. (This shortcut key is also included in the PPT)

If you are accustomed to mouse flow, there is also a technique for formatting. Double clicking the formatting brush can make it remembered by the mouse, and you can continuously format multiple paragraphs of text. When there is no need for formatting, press the ESC key or click the formatting brush again to release the memory of the formatting brush.

  1. How to quickly adjust text size
    The mouse flow can click on the two A’s on the right side of the font size in the top start menu bar to zoom in and out.

Click the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+[and Ctrl+] to zoom in and out. (The two square brackets on the right side of keyboard P)

  1. Tables do not require Excel assistance
    Sometimes we need to use Excel functions such as SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, etc. for calculations in Word. Novice only opens Excel and lists the table before copying and pasting. In fact, Word is completely capable of handling this.

Method: Insert a table, input the original data, go to the menu bar Table Tools – Layout – Data – Formula, then set the formula and numbering format, and click OK to complete.

It should be noted that if the original data is modified, the numbers in the formula will not be automatically refreshed. The method of manually refreshing is also very simple. Select the number in the formula, right-click – Update Field, and the refresh is successful!

  1. Automatically generate header for each page of the table
    Sometimes we may awkwardly find that the table to be inserted in Word is a bit long, coinciding with the position where the table appears in the lower half of a page, resulting in an extension to the next page. However, without a header on the next page, it may appear unprofessional, and the setting method is very simple.

Method: Select the duplicate header row in Table Tools Layout Data and click on it. If you want to cancel it, select the first header and click on the duplicate header row again.

  1. What should I do if there is an extra row at the end of the table?
    Everyone should have encountered such a situation before, where they found that the last row of a table was empty, but no matter how much they deleted it, they couldn’t delete it, and even added an extra page. Every time they printed, they felt guilty about wasting paper, and at the same time, they resented why Word was so difficult to use.

Method: Find the paragraph settings in the top start menu bar, and then set the line spacing to a fixed value of 1 point.

  1. Is the text format copied from a webpage moving?
    Sometimes when we are doing Word, we need to shamelessly copy content from the internet, only to find that there are a large number of blank lines copied over. If we manually delete them, it is very time-consuming. In this case, we need to take advantage and use the replacement function to batch delete them.

Method: Ctrl+H can open the search dialog box, enter ^ l ^ l (^ is Shift+6 in English input mode, l is l in hijklmn) in the search content section, then enter ^ p in the replace with section, and click replace all.

^L represents manual line breaks, and ^ p represents paragraph markers (i.e., carriage returns).

With the previous techniques, your efficiency has greatly improved, but just being fast is not enough. The documents you provide must be standardized. Whether a Word document is standardized or not can be easily detected by the objects you send. Let’s learn the second part, Standardized Format.

Section 2: Standardized Format

  1. Use automatic numbering as needed
    Automatic numbering is something that Word often cleverly does for everyone. I believe the vast majority of people do not like it because it is not flexible enough, so they would rather use manual numbering than automatic numbering. But if manual numbering is used, once the order of document content is adjusted, it will bring a lot of work and more proofreading time. As long as this situation occurs once, the time you waste is enough to make you proficient in the working principle and operating skills of automatic numbering!

Quick tips for automatic numbering
Number adjustment shortcut key

Upgrade: Shift+Alt+Left
Demote: Shift+Alt+Right
Move Up: Shift+Alt+Up
Move Down: Shift+Alt+Down
Line breaks without new numbering: Shift+Enter

At the beginning, you may not be used to it, but try it a few more times to become proficient. If you want to change to an automatic numbering format, you can also click here below to make adjustments.

  1. The function of a ruler
    Everyone may not have used a ruler, but they must have been fooled by it. When Lao Wang was still young and ignorant, it still happened to press spaces hard to align, until one day he found out that the ruler could be played this way

Retrieve the ruler: Check the ruler in the View Display section.

The function of a ruler

  1. First line indentation: Leave a few spaces in the first line of each paragraph. (2 on the ruler means 2 squares are empty, 4 means 4 squares are empty)
  2. Hanging Indent: Each paragraph has a few extra spaces in addition to the first line.
  3. Left Indent: Set the leftmost boundary of the text
  4. Right Indent: Of course, it’s the boundary on the right
  5. In addition, we found a gray bottom on the ruler (left margin, right margin), which is used to set the left and right margins of the page.

Attention: When operating, remember to select the line of text to be adjusted first, and then drag the slider.

  1. Flexible setting of paragraph format
    In his previous PPT training, Lao Wang mentioned to everyone that the golden line spacing is 1.3. In almost pure text documents like Word, paragraphs are particularly important. Depending on the content of the document, we may need different line spacing and paragraph spacing settings.

Setting method: After selecting the text segment to be modified, right-click on the paragraph and adjust the line spacing. If there is no desired distance in the dropdown bar, select multiple line spacing and manually enter it in the numerical value on the right.

But here we should not pursue 1.3 times line spacing like PPT, because of the shortcut keys below.

Quickly set 1x line spacing: Ctrl+1
Quickly set double line spacing: Ctrl+2
Quick answer: How many line spacing should Ctrl+5 be set?

Answering 5 times is too naive! Who has nothing to do with a 5-fold line spacing! The correct answer is 1.5 times! That’s why it’s not recommended to remember 1.3 times the line spacing in Word. Because by simply pressing Ctrl+5, it can be set to 1.5 times!

  1. Tips for changing pages
    We often need to change pages when making documents, such as distinguishing between chapters, leaving handwriting areas, and so on. Newcomers are accustomed to typing carriage returns recklessly, but once the text above is adjusted (such as line spacing, font size, or even adding an extra sentence), more carriage returns will appear at the top of the second page

Method: No need to enter. After the text or punctuation you think needs to be changed, Ctrl+enter can directly switch to the second page. Not only does it save countless returns, but no matter how you change it above, as long as it does not exceed one page, it has no impact on the bottom!

Section 3: Editing and Layout
I have learned the standard well, and even if I am not professional in typesetting, it is not possible! Let’s take advantage of the heat and enter the third part, editing and typesetting.

Word formatting here mainly refers to longer documents such as product manuals, contract agreements, bidding documents, and graduation theses, which require a relatively formal structure and may involve parts such as the cover, table of contents, and main text. There are even strict requirements for the header, footer, and page numbers of documents. These require us to implement a series of settings during the editing and typesetting process.

The main steps include

  1. Set Title Style
  2. Automatically generate directory
  3. Set header and footer
  4. Add document cover
  5. Set Title Style
    What is title style? For a formal document, if you want Word to automatically generate a table of contents based on the content of the document, you need to set all document titles to title style.

Firstly, we need to select Title 1 from the default style in Word. At the beginning – Style – Title 1. (Other level selection methods, etc.)

If the default style is not what you want, right-click on Title 1- Modify, and then set the text format you need.

The set title does not contain automatic numbering. If you need automatic numbering, you can associate the title style with automatic numbering so that all set titles can be automatically numbered.

Setting method: Select the title that needs to be associated – Start – Multilevel List – Select the first list in the list library – Click on the multi-level list again – Define a new multi-level list.


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